::rrRrring, rrrrriinnngg:: hello!? hello!? anyone around? (long-ass'd ::beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep::)--- ---pinched-nose effect---"I'm sorry, I cannot take your call. you are not born yet. this machine has been infested with a buncha roly-poly-holy-rigamortis-flip-o-matic-thigamatwisted y2k booger-bugZ and you and anyone else that dials this # is automatically stuck in the year 19100 --- scratchin' each others' ass. please try your call in an appropriate year when you can prove age/sex/location, proof of purchase and that AO~hell is not spankin', spittin' and spikin' members' connections with liquid drano." KLUNK(hangup,!)
well, did everyone step into the new century on time? you know allthat haPpy new stuff by heart, so I'll spare you.
o.k.kkk, you must have noticed that I re-arranged all of the furniture around here. I didn't even stub a toe! ^5@me! for some odd reason, I'm never satisfied and I need that variety thing! ahem! anyway, everything's compact and convenient. I think. I know I am. so lQQk around and see all the new changes, read all of the great contributers' posts and I didn't give myself enough room to blab, blab, blab on here so, read it and leap into the ho!d!
o, yea: hapPy new YOU to all! cait---night dAev!
jan. 2000
issue 28
seaman dAev
Smell ME
goo's harangue
Sapphology - 3
poetry forum
prose/short stories
spoken ho!d |