ron androlajack the fish & a big new glass fishbowl
three ninety-nine & huge
thick at seedy discount store
in the west erie plaza;
jack'd been living in a squat
square plastic container
in our bedroom. pink, red-speckled
gravel & a fake army-green fern
replaced yesterday with ruby red
& translucent & touches of deep blue
rounded pieces of glass,
the same fake fern. today we
added a hunk of pyrite, &
one large, one middle-sized, &
one fingertip-tiny seashells.
jack flared at the pyrite,
fighting-fish instinct-gilled,
but has approached the shells
very cautiously. doesn't seem
to have eaten any of his pellets.
he's in the livingroom
by the window
listening to BONGO MOON
i'm recording for dean.
dean & his north michigan hawks
& crows, vodka & cigars,
mentalness like an awning
over his breathing
eyes of zen, "god
does not share this human
consciousness" -- jack
is more me,
flaring at strange manifestations
& situations,
glassed within blue morning sky.
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Michael McNeilleywhen dogs fly
the first time
I tasted the stuff
I was at a girlfriend's house
I was 15
her parents weren't home
they had lots
of money
we lived in a dry county
north of dallas
but her dad worked in big d
and brought home what
ever he wanted to
they had a full bar
off the kitchen
we made martinis
or she did I watched
she made them for her dad
they tasted weird at first
but they got better
she had two afghans
big damn longhaired
long-eared dogs
they use them to hunt
lions in africa she said
they were a gift from
her uncle who was
lloyd bridges' cousin
I think that was it
they had a 6 ft. fence
and those dogs could fly
right over the damn thing
anytime they wanted to
we took a pitcher of martinis
shaken over ice and strained
out to the pool
and went swimming
and she'd call the dogs
and they'd come running
take off on one side of the pool
and jump all the way across
to the other
sometimes they wouldn't make it
and we'd laugh at them
as they scrambled out
and they'd tear back to the end
of the yard and take
another run at it
floating on our backs
looking up at dogs
flying over us
big blond dogs with ears
like wings
drinking martinis
and laughing at the moon
I remember thinking
this drinking is
pretty good
pretty damn
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His fresh divorce
expected on my front step
like I would open up more
than my door to him
I said Hey man
you were too long ago
It would take razors
to open that scar
So I gave him
the time for coffee
and listened to the
years in between
and those brown eyes
touched deep
My door closed
in latent denial
like waves
across my soul website
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Lyn LifshinWANT HAIR
Peru's Ampato Ice Maiden, believed to be about 500 years old, found near the summit of 20,700 Mount Ampato, was probably offered as a sacrifice by Inca priests
My hair begs for your fingers even
thru the glass. Don't lean close
the sign says as if I, the ice mummy,
could contaminate you while it's
the other way around. Once I had
egg shell skin they sacrificed even
before I used what you call tampax.
In my village, we braided cocoa leaves
or were called the red-legged women.
Red's always been a favorite color in
my town. See how it glistens thru
the weave of my wrap. I've want hair
people still murmur, it's like some
instrument begging to be played,
aching for your fingers. I read lips thru
the fog of my refrigerated case. Hair
is what is left, what I most wanted
to fill with night's jasmine and the
sound of Java birds. My hair never
frizzed in the jungle or dried out at
Cuzco. Sometimes I dream it is my
mother's hair, unbound, as she never
was, flowing and free, as taboo as
it would have been for her to save me.
Come closer, you can see your own
face in the shine of my onyx. I used
to wonder if the man who smashed my
head into the rocks first say his eyes
in that black mirror, if he could smell
the apricots I washed it with, if, like
a body falling into the river, his own
face crumbled with mine website
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elaine thomasSafiye and Tolga
When their bodies were found
Safiye's arms were
wrapped around her young son
and we will never comprehend
death's quality, or mercy,
emerging like some quiet dream
from the rubble of their lives,
how its still breath beckoned,
gathering these two
home. They were buried
inside one shroud, her embrace
unbroken, and for Safiye and Tolga
this woman wept, that one morning
they did not wake softly
or at all.
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Sara T. Punk
Crack open the neck
of that creepy pale fella
looking all serious
with slanty white eyes
(he thinks he's a bat)
and pass me a yellow brick
of that crunchy lemon goodness
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Jay MinerTaking a swig from the beyond
Her moist ruby tasting like a peppermint liqueur
Me there,
Shrink-wrapped with a buzz
In a society destined to hang
And the dead coming on like a rolling freight train
Drawing in heaven and goldschlager thru my wasted lips
And inhaling the fountain of youth from between her pillars
Goddamnit to shit,
It shouldn't matter
Whether it was the booze or the girl that were tied around me
I only wish that I never lifted my chin up from out underneath there.
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Nicholas MorganMy Lucky Unlucky
feeling rich, I decide to go to the local bar
i used to bartend at, till I quit, in disrelish
the Barbie doll's and winner temperament got to me
I slam 6 whiskeys talking to a cook
i used to work with, who is already smashed
we sit on stools, he watches the useless football on TV
I glance at his biker like tattooed arm
i watch the expressions on the faces (I'm a spy)
of the other people in the bar, chain smoking...
i feel virtuous, I feel classy,
with my new Christmas sweater on
and my new Brut watch, whatever that means
the cook and me don't talk much anymore
till he mentions he can get drugs
i want a bag and some xtacy I reference
he makes a phone call
claiming it's all ready to go
i drive just a little buzzed
the chef brings a double mudslide
Uhhh, flashback- vodka, bailey's, kuhlula, milk
a Styrofoam cup, I chew on breath mints
as we circle the dealers house 4 times
cause the so-called car ain't there
as Mr. cook slugs his strong drink
i practically slide through a red light
cause of the dam Michigan snow
plus I wasn't paying attention
my mind was flying on that itchy feeling
of hopefully scoring some sort of mind warping substance
to swim in the sky,
to fish in the wishing well
uh oh, that looks like a cop behind us
we both slap our seat belts on
as I use my broken blinker, real fast like
with my hand, yep, it's a cop
i'm turning left. cop boy flashers come on
one of those sneaky undercover cop cars, unmarked
i pull over right in front of
dealer man's house
chewing on my tongue, holding back the fright,
telling the cook
where we're coming from and where we're going
gotta get the lies straight, in order
to tell a good one, just ask leave it to beaver
"License please, how much have u had to drink?"
"I smell alcohol, step out"
"u got a broken brake light, blinker
and tail light"
"how the fuck would I know that"
i only have eyes
on my zitty back
On weekends of full moons
after deep philosophical thought
after many a drink
with my only true friends
Jim beam and my cat, Mr. Friday (he likes to purr)
i mess up my ABC's
he asks me to count from 1-14 on one foot
i fall against my truck at 11
he tells me to count from 14 to 3 backwards
i count from 14 to 0 backwards
jail bars flash through my nicotine
Stained nervous brain
late night calls to parents
for bail money, jump through the pus
trying to escape the doom..
Copper asks chef boy to step out
cop man searches, pokes, looks around truck
As I voice to the Cook/ Kook
"What did u do with your drink?"
he has no clue what I asked
Cops all done searchin
he hands my driver's license back
tells us to be careful
and have a nice night
another fucking miracle
of luck,
of trophy winning
actor wizard boy
me, I guess,
cops ain't so bad, I think
as I drive away, circling the dealers house
one more time
as chef boy and me discuss the insane
fortune cookies the God's, God?
have farted out on our white trash
living for a buzz wreckless dumb dumb
chance faceless forgetting lessons
of life
and stupefaction if the cop was
on crack, or just a swell fella
cook boy tells me he crushed the
drink on my truck floor
we both wonder why cop man didn't question the
ice cubes, why didn't he question anything?
cops always ask to many questions
fuck it, I'm free, I have money
and I'm an American citizen
who's hoping to be real high soon
who just got away with drunk driving
or buzzed driving I suppose
so sorry, mothers against drunk driving
Cops sure can make one sober, real quick
The weasel rat eye balled chef
I'm trying to trust with 70 dollars
Hard earned, I 'd like to mention
Kooky chef stumbles into the small dirty looking house
that I'm not allowed to come into
I wait 15 minutes, biting my
broken blood infected skin, smoking.
pinkie finger bite fetish
looking in my rear view mirror, non stop
Still wondering why
i'm not talking to some guy named Billy
in a cold ugly drunken jail cell
finally, Chef ala asshole comes
out the the invisable dealer man's shit hole
he hands my weak looking eighth to me
My two 50 dollar pills of temporary bliss
I pocket them, we head back to the bar
to give the bartender, slight limp nice guy
his share of the red-haired smoke
i spend quality time
in the public bar bathroom, shitting
and snorting so-called xtacy
off the whiter then my teeth
Toilet seat, wishing wells, vomit cells
the bartender seems happy with his bag
The cook acts nervous
as I mention the x doesn't taste like x
he suddenly has to go, the scammer cook
I saw that look in his bastard soul
As he mentions..
gimme a call if you don't get off
i jokingly say, if I don't get off
I'll come here while your working
with my 45 fully loaded
Nervous laughter from both
he leaves, I snort more
Nothing happens
I drive home in mist filled
can't see 1 foot in front Of me
fog filler Michigan chiller
still hoping I come out ahead
arriving home, my drunken father
booze hounds have strange sleep schedules
is up at 3 a.m., fire sizzling
smelly dog at side, with briefcase
he starts telling me another long
story about the CIA, and composite materials
and terroists, and jfk theories
and his Pat Buchannan book and
his mouth begins to look like a never ending machine
that spurts out never ending words
and all these gin infested
things his brain is thinking of, I scratch my pocket
of shitty weed and phony xtacy..
dam, I'm sleepy pops. sorry, I head upstairs
my infatuation of hope
that I didn't get ripped-off
on bunk... sniffle, its bunk
I don't know what the hell it is
but its not what it should be
i feel nothing and the rage of past faces
past scam artists come back to haunt me
their fucking demon like greedy faces
i decide to drink as I pet my Mr. Friday
And load my 45, thinking of
that dirty looking house
that cook with the crooked smile
then I think about the cop
who let me go and I think
It's only a fifty-dollar fine
and I'm still free and getting drunk
and actually quite lucky
i unload my 45 and sleep
all the rage off. things come around
three-fold Mr. Cook
Karma kookcook, rat fuck
u have a clean conscience
my mind is more powerful
then a gun-slingin fisherman
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Scott HolstadChrist went to the wrong planet
there are no fucking miracles
aside from the fact that i'm
still alive and far too many
other people are too
in the world
people aren't throwing
themselves off bridges in
droves i'll never know
i've been shot at
my dog's been shot
i've been homeless
i've knifed myself
why wait for someone
else to do it?
i've been cuffed
i've been in court
3 times before the same
judge in one fall alone
drive 160 on the freeway
in the hopes of a
fiery escape
my major
x-mas wish
like everyone else
i get shit
life on a razor's edge
words that kill
and guns that don't
[From my book "Shadows Before the Maiming"]
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Donna Hilltrade ins
I pick up the boys
knock at our front door
though you are not home
today your '79 ford pick up
fills the garage
so I holler a few hello's
down the long hallway
see you both in the kitchen
coats still on
you, unpacking groceries
her, standing idly by
I smile and say hello again
offer my hand
my name
chatter a few niceties
the nerves do it every time
and wait
you come out
to see my new trade in
agree I did well
found a good deal
we say goodbye
I take the kids for a few days
you take back my garage door opener
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Marc EllisLucky Pierre The Lounge Singer,
Pulls a gun on the audience:
copyright 2000 Marc Ellis
(From "Double Espresso")
"For my final song of the evening
ladies and gentlemen, I shall not sing...
But I shall conduct an orchestra;
It shall be an orchestra of crickets
And doll-house mirrors;
Of rusted iron
And empty sky,
Of neutron stars exploding
Inside the skulls of baby sparrows,
And of children's satin bed pillows,
With little embroidered stars..."
(Lucky Pierre the lounge singer, breaks down crying.)
Man in audience:
"Mister, shoot us if you have to,
But will you please spare us the damned poetry?"
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R L Stephensony2 Que?
I stand in the grocery store line
looking at the pure numbers
of folks being foolish.
I'm the only guy in the express
15 items or less
behind a chick
taking care of a monthly......
....eh hem....emergency......
All of these senseless
knee jerkin'
"a pock e clips"
waisting precious time preparing.....
For what?
No water for a few days?
Gee Junior did you buy stock in
Mountain Valley Spring Water too?
It could of doubled and split
based on your purchases alone.
But what good is money
in an "a pock e cliptic"
Buy now!
While the prices are managable
then clean up on all the
folks standin' in line!
Ya right!
Lemme tune in to see
CNBC covering
the fall of DC
and Clinton fleeing
a burning White House
on New Year's Eve.......
that's if we got power
to crank up the tube...
Shoulda got that generator
when it was on sale....
The bank and the ATMs
got their share of traffic too.
Don't want to be
without a few spare bucks,
or let the Bank lose it for ya'!
First time I've ever seen
an empty battery rack
at the grocery store....
Do my Duracells
expire in Jan 2000,
or 2001?
Nothin's gonna happen
to us on New Year's Eve!
At least till Hell Freezes over!
I hear Beelzebub himself
has set up
a combination
Frozen Lemonade
and Dreamcicle stand
right in the middle of Hell!
Save me a spot in line.....
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Jamie B.Lepore
Lucy ParT #6
Ya ^-leFt the RoUnD_House?
"Yeah Cuse All the Lines_____are all--Clear"
Lucy SAy:~"thE Passion Pig Served mE~^-Water__
....as ..i...hit him so gentley on on his head...
.......with= "Pacthes HammER!"
And in the Morning ~rays~THE Round __House..well...
..............danced .....on,,,,thE ,,,,hEaD.........
.........0f_~^_a..passion Pigs _heAD__
Ate panCakEs....0n a pogo ..stick ...TILL...
...SUDDEN-ley....the passion PiG-MovED!
an...he ...said ...an...he ...said.......ShU=BoP..
"RuN!=lucy_____RuN!..beyond ...there!!..beyond..
,,,the forests....beyond the Glo0mY Aprons!!!!!...and...
.....Slight...Smells of ......smuT"
I SaW.....LucY_~pack a ...bag_...
in..the LIGHT!!~an..she grew oh so~palE~
She...ok.....Sucked the laST_bReaTH.....from...
an..smuttereD....~*my sheetS-are-Stained....
...that never ,,,,ever ,,saw the _~^_dawn....
I.sucked the truths .....from.....theyre ToungEs
an....hElD A cRooked croSs upsidE down+++
ThERe=.".in the ,,Banks.."...there" in the StorM."..+++
T0 ThE RounD=housE...
Lucy said ....n0.....more ......
as.....shE..opened ,,,,,,,,,,,the ~^_DooR_~^
"OH Lucy My DearesT"
"Your The Sweetest Thing ...in THis World T0 me"
Signed: Bracelets_HELL....brace* photo
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Steven Ellsworthzen sweat blooms
ant hill kicked to scattered
piles of loose red brick
with a word
once proud walls lay crumbled
in inanimate surrender
to gravity and the wrecking ball
two brown men work in the carnage
chipping the crumbled remains
of the artery mortar off every last brick
discarding the chipped and broken
and piling the survivors in square piles
that wimper in ominous shadows
cast by the shattered walls
fluent, steady, moderate pace
focused on the bricks at arm's length
their eyes do not rise with the mountain of work
so to smile without intimidation
at the simple purpose of their labor
the center of now is sovereign
and zen sweat blooms
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