ron androlaanti-poem formulas
when spontaneous error is beauty
truth excruciatingly momentary
most consciousness being lapse
clouds ridiculous natural patterns of vapor
& nobody cares
words are
so they bite
so they bleed
better latenight tv
in bed pressed against
ann & her warmth
oh how alone you are now
never trust a poet
unless you are that
poet's lover
website - 1 website - 2
Dancing Bearsome days it's all you can do
you burn hard for three days
tv is your source of light
tells you about what
is going on beyond
the tight blinds
and silent telephone
dishes in the sink sing for attention
as insects clean them
it's been a while
food is a painful memory
in the gut
resumes went on monday
black and white references
sunday classifieds tuesday
was the one decent suit
two interviews then back
to the box to wait by the phone
damned silence friday
without meaning
exhausted from boredom booze
and seventy-two hour insomnia
you crash into blue hazy light
tormented dreams at the old job
sneaky voices like the ones in your head
remind you of the waiting period
for buying a gun and your lunch break
if you still had a lunch break
would be best spent filing an application
sheets sweat as you wake
up like a gun shot sudden
for a moment you think
of how there should be
prison bars from the wrong side
but it is the prison of unemployment
blue tv light the volume kept low
saturday and you read
into the horoscope
that this is "the week"
it turns around you
take another bite
of twinkie dunked in coffee
you think about cleaning
dishes but hell
there's always tomorrow
Marc Ellis A Hummingbird Dies In Flight (Dedicated to the Fiancee of Mr. Dang)
©Marc Ellis A hummingbird dies in flight,
At least, that's what I assumed,
About the one I almost stepped on,
By my office today, at noon;
Frosty glossed
Green feathers,
Black yo-yo eyes
Gaze in wonder,
At some flower,
I've not yet seen;
How could this ever happen,
To such a splendid bird?
Plumage so resplendent,
Purpose so absurd;
To share a world
With the less worthy,
This poet of the air,
And yet still drink
The breath of flowers,
And find God's sweetest nectar there;
Laid low on a busy sidewalk,
This Avian Li Po;
His wings just stopped,
While flying, maybe,
That's the only way to go;
It's not so bad then;
Nature always gets it right;
We spend our lives on pavement,
But a hummingbird dies in flight.
website TOP 
Steven Ellsworthclose behind the dry wine tastes like a memory
without tears and poetry
long nights and bitter soliloquies
cannot see to find me now
one last soft hook in me
bound to drag me down
slow burn quenched by the tired eyes
giving up the ache within
hard tears to bind vacant promises
fall on dry and doubtful ground
drink to nothing nowhere
the trigger's got me now
one more to kill me
one more to breath
I try to be cutting edge
I try to be alert
I try not to be paranoid
I cant help being kind
I can be cruel
I can be indifferent
cross me and I can hurt you bad
smoking weed and writing
playing video games and wasting my time
theres nothing wrong to enjoy
theres nothing wrong to be functional
we have a right to be queer
and communist
and erect
these things were handed to us by Jesus himself
when he died on the cross at valley forge
Hitler crucified him
for writing the magna carte
its just some sort of history
 website TOP

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Donna Hillthreads of veracity
the lakeshore
is sparse today
I walk alone
twigs and scorned paper
twist among webs of dried
sea kelp
miles of time and space
pacify memories
the ocean bay we last explored
dilated driftwood
bowed in prayer to the edge of tides
framing those picturesque stills
you so intimately captured
cool march winds
graze my skin
as I trace the echo of sole creases
in wet sand
mallard wails of order
strum this misty blueness
and again
they playfully take flight
glide to drizzled landings
teamed in unison
for the season
my mind lends itself
to the intricate shape
of air between us
of your soft probing eyes
delicate braille of your touch
your words
threads of veracity
hung on the hem of my mind
website TOP 
Scott Holstad Fade Out
When I am defeated in love
as now
and growing increasingly
surly about it, my friends
take me aside, whisper wise
counsel to me, tell me what's
next, and I find myself
speaking to
out loud
longing for her to hear,
I head for the park,
look at the stars,
Master Orion in full
splendor, put leaves
in my pockets, pick
pennies from the ground,
ask bag women for advice,
come home for a drink of
Jack Daniels, or perhaps
two, wait for sunrise to
appear and feel the
coldest hour in my
bones. Love fades,
sister, and tomorrow
it will reappear on
the sweaty face of a
man on the "A" train,
reading his paper
website TOP
Happy as shattered glass, seen in circles crossing
Against herself, smooth and patient as time's emptying
Motion, the fragment of moon caught in the gas of
Her hair has stolen heads and jets, a wash that
Deflates belladonna, caustic as the scorch of her
Passing. You scrawl gurgles of world into the open
Jar, Mindful of the birds, their solemn cries and
Lethal lunges. Here there is no history. When
Flame bends, again, to snuff head out, again; light's
Light's broken. So am I, studded with august's
Ice, licking sap from wounds with blue lips.
You draw the strings tighter to close the bag;
Nothing will fall from it save my identity, my
Backwater golem all smeared with incisions:
Her surgery mistake, gawking at the whole. Such
Proclamations deafen the belladonna, which lists
Back and forth, wavering, ordinal. This cordial
Weeping in its glass through the heat of the day
Tastes like memory collapsing to music. She floats
506 South Lincoln, Kent
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Lyn Lifshin GUILT
whatever shivers
and breaks like
the most delicate
blown glass rose,
no two the same,
spun thin as spider web
something pulled
from what there
didn't seem to
be that much of
You're awed
catch breath
that escapes
At that moment
leaves and flowers
collapse a quiver
of crystal air
haunts you o
even icicles
cracking make
you feel it's
from my book: Reading Lips current event website TOP

Michael McNeilleyMy finest hour
In college in the 70s
I managed a skinflick -
we booked German softcore
through a distributor in Denver.
It was cheap but came with
fantastic one-sheets
half the people driving by
would slow down
horns would honk
outside the Cinema 18,
cops would come
make us duct tape up
the good parts
then come inside
stay for the feature.
My favorite was
The Abducted Bride
the star was a dwarf
who smuggled heroin
inside teddybears -
used it to maintain his
harem of teenage concubines -
ran around yelling
my teddybears!
my teddybears!
The owner, Barry Goldberg
wasn't sure you could put
"abducted" in the newspaper
what with censorship and all
so he changed the title to
"The Stolen Bride"
without telling us.
At least he knew what
abducted meant, though
I guess he thought it meant
more than it did.
First time up on the screen,
Artie the projectionist
started yelling for me to come see...
I got up there just before
the title scrolled off the screen
"The Sinful Dwarf."
We lit one up
blew the smoke out through the
lamphouse ventilator
and watched the thing -
it was hilarious.
Suzie at the snack bar
pounded and pounded
on the door to the booth -
"lots of them want
their money back..."
Me and Artie shouted down
"No refunds!"
"No refunds!"
and lit up
another one.
website TOP 
Sally Mour Evolution of a Woman
Love is
By the age of six or seven
We know
The power rests not
In our hands
It is a male thing
We are conditioned
By then
To the reality
That for the most part
Our destiny lies
Not with ourselves
But those we pursue
At fifteen or sixteen years
We talk
Among ourselves and
Believe that sex sounds
Pretty Disgusting
Even though we
Feel stirrings of need
At this point
In life
It all seems like
In lieu of power
Henceforth usually
A union forms
For many an enslavement
Of sorts
Careers put on hold
For the sake of children
Domestic service
Sometimes leads to
Domestic violence
Love and sex
Can be
The end all
The be all of our existence.
Along comes middle age
We discover
So much about
Wanting the love
Wanting the power
Is now secondary
Knowing who we are
Who we have become
Is first priority
The need to submit
Is replaced with
The need to rebel
Then the finality
It comes to us
Offering now
To be who we are
To be true to ourselves
To finally accept
Our just dessert and
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Sheila E. Murphysegis
and then the hard to starve
who would investig- not so poorly young
feel Dover on parole and gad knowfully thus
stomach as the iffing where-with
all of your intelgraphy
then I would more than plump
the onerosity some sore known project fee
so numb is are the calgaries
then I would wish for you
few earnest slivers of and awe
then darling pulse if not for me
website TOP 
Sara T. Punk "Nerd." A Sonnet.
Like a strange glass pigeon, he comes to me
presenting me with gifts of absurdity
and when he gyrates frantically
I'll know that I'm in love.
Pocket-protector, glasses and curly hair...
Fresh and frosty, his skin is fair.
he purchases nachos and gladly will share
after offering me a spork.
Computer programmer's bloodshot eyes...
I'd obtain for him some strange bow ties..
Small, skinny and creepy; the strangest of guys-
Perfection is a nerd.
So a nerdy fellow I must find
with wit enough to match my mind.
website TOP 
Julie SchillingerRonin
you prefer me
to think of you as plain
verging on butt ugly
and some days I listen to you whine
the boredom of cooking for one
eating alone in your black robe
you come starved to the table
unable to bring yourself to feast
at the banquet
set before you
preferring to eat
a bowl of warm jello