thank you for your interest in my column, poetry, and my new "so-called art" that I am takin' a crack at lately. o, don't fret, I'll get better, stay toOned or stoned (looks better to me under the influence) - just like wantin' sex, if the desire is strong enough, there's no stoppin' me...laalla anyway...see that lil pic up there? yea, that one with the stuff hangin' to the tip of the tongue!?...well, those little devils are called avatars and are used at a chat forum that I frequent often - for the past 5 years - and there is a chatroom called "the poetry cafe". there, people read the poetry they write, others listen, then they take turns readin' their own. mostly people clap and applaud at everything they read. good or bad. mostly people go there to make new friends of the literary cult. mostly people go there because they find that poets are better at describing online sex than one from, say, a christian chat room. (don't fool yerself, I've been to those rooms too)...mostly, people just go there - but I consider the poem behind the person an effort of some sort, so I take into consideration all forms of it is also a great place to, if you don't already, know how to be a habitual liar. ( poem man!) if you are not in tune with the outside world...lay it on the people at the poetry cafe....
now what I present below is about an hour spent at 'the poetry cafe' the other day - I know mostly all of the people there; some I've met personally and the others you get to know through frequent appearances and I hafta tell you...and if you know me, when I find someone full of bS...I can't resist...I have to stand my ground. and with that, allow me to introduce the avatars (lil pix) below...
the avatar that I use is first and my online nickname- MSallthat- (hahahh how appropro!?)...the second is a - a- a person that calls herself FoxyLady...I call her other things...the june cleaver type, that live in a 'bubble' - plastic - yea! bS!!! I think she thinks I've had a confrontation with her. I call it a conversation. but lo and behold...- in private chat, you get ALL of the dirt...-read on - heh
tho, most of the conversation with *THE FOX* is well to the end of the chat - I didn't have the heart to leave out our dear "RobertoftheRedwoods"...tho it seems no one ever pays attention to him, he's quite a character indeedie. now there's a person you can't help!?hehe please note: the avatars (lil pix) have been changed to protect the idiotic - 'cept mine… o, JOY......
 MSallthat- |
 FoxyLoxy_guest8343 |
 RobertOFtheRedwoods |
Michaelsheart What did the CATHOUSE have Robert ?
RobertOFtheRedwoods some wrote seriously!
SavageNobLe when a political leader is asassinated it's always over money
RobertOFtheRedwoods some clowned :-)
MSallthat- Thank You...Thank You....I'm applause...please..)
RobertOFtheRedwoods The CAThouse had a louse
yorick_nixon a number of solitary figures stand apart, waving their arms
RobertOFtheRedwoods twas a tic of course you see?
yorick_nixon MS, you goddess
Michaelsheart when a political leader is character asassinated it's over women
RobertOFtheRedwoods That tic climbed up into the clock...
MSallthat- hey.. I might get my nipples pierced Sat
yorick_nixon send pix
SavageNobLe ms???????
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 thank you for sharing.
MSallthat- huh?
RobertOFtheRedwoods then TICKED and TOCKED on into fame or was in infamy? :-)
MSallthat- 60 bucks for both.. 45 for one
JupiterRising hiya MS
RobertOFtheRedwoods was it infamy? :-)
yorick_nixon for pix of yr nipples?
MSallthat- hey Jup! (Wave)
yorick_nixon that's a lot of dough
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 ouch....
MSallthat- ya think?
Michaelsheart Pay for the pics then Yor
RobertOFtheRedwoods MS appears to LEAD YET another poetry cafe DEVOTIONAL time!
MSallthat- I'm auctioning the pics off
MSallthat- at ebay
Michaelsheart EBAY ?
RobertOFtheRedwoods And now opening the HIM book MS sings...
yorick_nixon is that what you're charging for pictures? or is that what the pierce costs?
Michaelsheart opening bids
RobertOFtheRedwoods amaZing disgrace!
MSallthat- ya mean the hummMMmm book?
miidnite I LOVE E-BAY
Michaelsheart is there a reserve bid ?
MSallthat- that's what the piercing costs.....licks and sucks extra
SavageNobLe e-bay loves you
MSallthat- no reserve
RobertOFtheRedwoods nipple pics MS? So nipple buckies ey?
MSallthat- everything's upfront
yorick_nixon ah; that's not too bad then
MSallthat- (no pun)
JupiterRising take care all
MSallthat- you too Jup!
Michaelsheart Geeeeee - they might soar high then
yorick_nixon (Wave)
RobertOFtheRedwoods Maybe twas a HER book?
RobertOFtheRedwoods not sure?
Chsamo Bye Jup
MSallthat- I'll just show 1 as a tease
MSallthat- or
Michaelsheart or ?
Darlinlady take care Jup
RobertOFtheRedwoods Like a cow lick? :-) he he he
MSallthat- auction one nipple off at a time
Michaelsheart bye bye Jupi
RobertOFtheRedwoods a pillar of salt
MSallthat- before and after shots
RobertOFtheRedwoods the SALTY salted MS
yorick_nixon show a smudged thumbnail view
MSallthat- what?
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 bye Jup!
MSallthat- haha
RobertOFtheRedwoods moo
MSallthat- ~~Who?? Me?? Crazy??? NAWWWW!!!!!!!!! **Moooooooo** HaHaHaHaHa!!!!!! ~~({SoS})
MSallthat- moocow
Michaelsheart I always wonder what people do in OBSERVATION
RobertOFtheRedwoods MS will MOVE the CAFE to new HEIGHTS or LOWS? There to EXPOSE the TRUTH! With her very own devotional way :-)
MSallthat- the same thing they do in here(cyberfuck)
RobertOFtheRedwoods they watch
RobertOFtheRedwoods read
Michaelsheart Really ?
MSallthat- voyeurs
RobertOFtheRedwoods words on a screen
RobertOFtheRedwoods yes word voyeurs
yorick_nixon i get more done there
BOSSMAN1111 you changed
Michaelsheart Wow - do they MB to the words ?
MSallthat- must not be vocal enough! SCREAM!~
BOSSMAN1111 (Wink)
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Wait... People cyber in here????
_Romantic-at-Heart_ LOL
RobertOFtheRedwoods the poetry spare change cafe way
MSallthat- not with mugs
MSallthat- (Think)
RobertOFtheRedwoods buddy can you spare a billion for a coffee facxory?
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 Poetry can be very sensual...
yorick_nixon maybe a small espresso mug'd work
RobertOFtheRedwoods make that factory :-)
MSallthat- yes., that's what I call it...
yorick_nixon champagne flutes?
MSallthat- "I want a man with a tatoo on his dick!"
SavageNobLe cyber not with the unclean mug, nor of the pottery of the chat room....hebrews 21:15
MSallthat- champagne hooters..
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 ouch....
MSallthat- maybe I need a boobjob first
RobertOFtheRedwoods the Poetry Cafe WHERE words of CREATIVITY elude GENETIC or FRENETIC engineering!
yorick_nixon get it all done at once
MSallthat- but my nips still get hard-ons
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 Be happy with what God gave you
MSallthat- o,I am.. I blame my parents
Michaelsheart OMG - someone just told me what CYBER meant - all this time I thought it meant . . . communicate electronically
RobertOFtheRedwoods A boob job!!!! MS
SavageNobLe eugenically engineered emotional vamp
RobertOFtheRedwoods boobs cannot do a job well!
MSallthat- aka: electro shocks
RobertOFtheRedwoods rreally!
Darlinlady lol
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Yes... to communicate electronically that you will be someplace soon (ie. "I'm coming")
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 I know I'm never gonna have droopy boobs...
MSallthat- well, the only thing I miss out on with that is
MSallthat- a good tit-fuck
RobertOFtheRedwoods Better than SLOW ons MS :-)
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 I'm not flat by any means, but they'll always be perky
Michaelsheart Romantic - communicate with me please
MSallthat- hey, no makin fun of my teeny titties
RobertOFtheRedwoods poetically maybe?
wildtales roses are red, grass is have the shape of a submarine
RobertOFtheRedwoods the teeny titty tots of the poetry cafe
SavageNobLe itty bitty titty committee
RobertOFtheRedwoods came out to play
RobertOFtheRedwoods with MS that day
MSallthat- that reminds me of a good wicked shit
RobertOFtheRedwoods the itty bitty teent titty committee
MSallthat- won't ya come out and play with me...............(kizzez)
yorick_nixon lol
RobertOFtheRedwoods teeny that is
SavageNobLe weeny
_guest5854 hello
Michaelsheart Oh great - I am on ignore with yet another lady
yorick_nixon and how about the solitary wine drinker?
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 now y'all are gettin mean
Michaelsheart that is 25 this month
MSallthat- now ya know what ringo starr meant when he sang... 'we all live in a yellow submarine'
zepher10 yo all hows it hanging
RobertOFtheRedwoods wearing their itty bitty yellow polka dot bikinis
SavageNobLe solitary wine drinkin
MSallthat- crapper
yorick_nixon what's a 'lady'?
MSallthat- where?
RobertOFtheRedwoods mean!
SavageNobLe a lady swallows, never spits
RobertOFtheRedwoods the poetry cafe "mean"!
_guest5854 lol...
zepher10 (Wink)
RobertOFtheRedwoods what doth thou mean?
yorick_nixon o
MSallthat- and a slut never gags
MSallthat- ~~~~Wanna go for a RIDE???~~~~
SavageNobLe i knew a slut that gagged
RobertOFtheRedwoods 2 songs referred to of old
RobertOFtheRedwoods Yellow Submarine
_Romantic-at-Heart_ kk Michael... I'm coming. LOL
Michaelsheart U know - someone confessed that they are stalking me
MSallthat- yea, well, what did she have down her throat?
yorick_nixon i knew a couple that screwed and watched themselves in the mirror
RobertOFtheRedwoods and a hit from the 1950's
MSallthat- I do that stuff NiX
yorick_nixon like a tv show
RobertOFtheRedwoods Like a celery stalk?
yorick_nixon starring them
MSallthat- I watch myself cyber sexin' it up.. I have
RobertOFtheRedwoods on a walk
SavageNobLe "something wonderful"
MSallthat- mirrors attached to my monitor
_guest5854 hhmmmm....wrong room..
yorick_nixon get a cam
RobertOFtheRedwoods or like big bird?
MSallthat- it's better than some of the cyber shit that comes along
SavageNobLe ok ok
MSallthat- (no pun)
SavageNobLe who has poetry?
yorick_nixon rofl
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I seem to be a MUGnet today! LOL
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 it gets better, guest
Michaelsheart well - sort of like keeping track of what I do and what I say
MSallthat- I have a cum-corder too
RobertOFtheRedwoods was it a revelation sensation Yorick Nixon?
yorick_nixon it was recursive
MSallthat- I'm a babe magnet...I'm CATNIP!
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 Ok, enough of the foul stuff...
RobertOFtheRedwoods Did they percieve the reflection of reality in the reflection in the mirror maybe?
MSallthat- You shut your foul mouth!!
MSallthat- what foul stuff?
yorick_nixon yeah, let MS take over for a while
MSallthat- (lookout -Primadonna's in the house)
Michaelsheart I need to know - how many people in here actually stalk other members of the room
RobertOFtheRedwoods this VIRTUAL PLACE is poetry
wildtales about fun house mirrors while we cyber
MSallthat- don't step on the ice
SavageNobLe the world needs more leo's
yorick_nixon i think you're the only one mike
Michaelsheart I am doing a research paper on it
MSallthat- hey now.. those things are distorted. how kewl!
MSallthat- the world needs more lesbo's
RobertOFtheRedwoods in the mirror Yorick Nixon MS will take over?
MSallthat- I adore those
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Perhaps an erotic poem since you all are in the mood?
MSallthat- holier than thou people... who
MSallthat- virtually fuck everyone around the world
Michaelsheart Well Yorick - someone told me alot about u - but it can't be repeated in the room
SavageNobLe POETRY
MSallthat- like he cares
SavageNobLe CAFE
wildtales a lesbo
SavageNobLe someone read
yorick_nixon ah, go head
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
MSallthat- haha
_Romantic-at-Heart_a poem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Morning Glow
_Romantic-at-Heart_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Come lay with me on cotton sheets
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Bathed in late morning sunshine
wildtales never
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I rest between two realities -
_Romantic-at-Heart_ One of dreamworld, one of conscious state
_Romantic-at-Heart_ With one hand on each, you gently separate them and come to me
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Entering my naked morning world and
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Filling my mind with thoughts of carnal pleasures
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I want to wake and reach for delicious vibrations within arms length
_Romantic-at-Heart_ But if I should stir from this soft and heavenly bed
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Would I break this sweet, erotic spell?
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I resist momentarily
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
_Romantic-at-Heart_ My thoughts return to you
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Such contrast is your body, almost intrusive and yet so welcome
_Romantic-at-Heart_ To my soft, gossamer morning world
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Nestled in the downy comfort of plush linens and pillows
_Romantic-at-Heart_ My body full and round with womanly charms
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Soft curves that melt like warm butter in your loving hands
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Your hands - large with delicious, snaking fingers that
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Writhe along my creamy smooth flesh,
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Bringing forth tingling sensations from every connecting nerve
_Romantic-at-Heart_ My hands follow yours, gliding up your strong forearms and biceps
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Delighting in your toned muscles
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Exhilarated by such strength at your command, and yet
_Romantic-at-Heart_ such tenderness you show me in your loving arms
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I cup my hands over your shoulders
_Romantic-at-Heart_ - they bear the weight of our world over us
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I pause, bittersweet, both grateful to you, My Herculean Hero
_Romantic-at-Heart_ And saddened by the burdens that you bear
wildtales more..more...I'm about there
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I love them worshipfully with my hands in this moment
_Romantic-at-Heart_ While gazing into the depths of your eyes
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Like twin wells to a bottomless pool of obvious love
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I see my reflection there
_Romantic-at-Heart_ The fingertips of my soul reach deep within them,
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Dipping lightly into the cool waters of your essence
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Touching your very soul through a loving look from my eyes
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
_Romantic-at-Heart_ My hands move across the warmth of your chest
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I feel the rythmn of your heart which beats rapidly at my touch
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I feel and listen to the deep rise and fall of your lungs as
_Romantic-at-Heart_ They inhale this moment of passionate exploration
_Romantic-at-Heart_ My soft fingertips glide teasingly over your nips
_Romantic-at-Heart_ You feel a tingly electric jolt along your spine, and
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Your eyes dance with life
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Your lips smile then rush to meet mine
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Full and glossy, soft lips with firm pressure, caressing as only lips can
_Romantic-at-Heart_ When offered the amorous attentions of a lover's mouth
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Tasting textures and flavors, sensing hot and moist
_Romantic-at-Heart_ The peripheral world disappears and we become merely hungering mouths
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Craving the taste of one another
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Always startled when at first our lips meet and I
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Rouse the curious hermit that dwells within your open mouth
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Your lonely tongue awakens to meet me, to touch me, to taste me
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Then I too begin this dance of tongues with you
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I am conscious of my hands as they follow the natural curve of your back
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Once again, enjoying the marvelous muscles that combine to make up you, the man I love
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I hold you close to me, pressing my body to yours
_Romantic-at-Heart_ To feel every inch of torso
_Romantic-at-Heart_ And then some
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Pressing my full breasts against your chest
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Pressing your full rise against my pelvis
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Cradling your hips with my knees
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I am in awe of your body and the electricity I feel when I am with you
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
_Romantic-at-Heart_ My mind goes into fast forward mode
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Unable to process all the wonderful sensations I am receiving from you
_Romantic-at-Heart_ And giving back to you in rapid succession
_Romantic-at-Heart_ The poet within me is speechless, grasping for words to describe such power
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I feel a furious momentum of heat and electric energy
_Romantic-at-Heart_ My nerves dancing as if on fire in the glow of your love and loving
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I experience undulating waves of seismic proportion rocking within me ever so fierce
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I feel the hot and sticky humidity of lovers
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Sounds echo and shadows pulse along the walls
wildtales cut it
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Textures and sensations flood my mind, and fill my body
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Such a wonderful barrage hitting me all at once
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I burst under the pressure and blossom full before you
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Like a large and beautiful fragrant flower
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Resting on my pillow with tossled tendrils
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Once again, I seek the depths of your soulful eyes
_Romantic-at-Heart_ And with deepest, sincerest, heart-felt gratitude
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I glowingly utter my tearful thanks to you...
_Romantic-at-Heart_ My Lover, My All
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Your smile and kiss console me and remind me that
_Romantic-at-Heart_ "Yes, I am more than worthy in your eyes"
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I am loved
_Romantic-at-Heart_ And that is the greatest gift
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
_Romantic-at-Heart_ (RAH: 2000)
_Romantic-at-Heart_ .
RobertOFtheRedwoods Lesbians are welcome, even "hate" by some, ALL are or should be WELCOME in the Poetry Cafe. Writers write on!
MSallthat- ~~ Lick me baby!! ~~
-D-G-s-_ clapping
SavageNobLe RAH RAH RAH !!!!!
_Romantic-at-Heart_ (¯`'-.¸(¯`'-.¸Paula's Thimble Three Poetry/Macro Reader¸.-'´¯)¸.-'´¯)
yorick_nixon awww Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap
MSallthat- Yes, coffee time, coffee, coffee, coffee, cappacino )
RobertOFtheRedwoods love is indeed the greatest gift
wildtales msal...we need to be pals
MSallthat- alright buddy
MSallthat- love sux
FoxyLoxy_guest8343This makes me feel even worse about being single. Very beautiful, Romantic...
MSallthat- try to avoid it
RobertOFtheRedwoods the heart motive reveals the reason
Michaelshear beautifully written RAH
RobertOFtheRedwoods rights done for the wrong reasons however are still treason
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Now, go have your smokes and stop talking about sex. LOL
magicword sorry I missed it, RAH. "Hello" to the Cafe.....(waving)
wildtales about mine
RobertOFtheRedwoods the sal pal :-)
MSallthat- yea
RobertOFtheRedwoods whooo hooo sal
SavageNobLe *smokin*
yorick_nixon mw (Wave)
Michaelsheart be a pal sal :-)
MSallthat- ewwww - why would anyone want to smoke after experiencing something like that
_Romantic-at-Heart_  LOL
MSallthat- try to avoid it
magicword  smiling.....thanks for the welcome, yn.....
MSallthat-  it's an in between thing
MSallthat-  some ppl eat
MSallthat- out
RobertOFtheRedwoods is beats prejudice, hatred or indifference
RobertOFtheRedwoods they smoke in various ways
RobertOFtheRedwoods before, DURING and after
Michaelsheart and there are those of us who just don't take breaks
_Romantic-at-Heart_ I don't smoke, but I seem to be outnumbered. LOL
wildtales msal..what are you eating
MSallthat- me
RobertOFtheRedwoods the NO breakers!
RobertOFtheRedwoods neither do I
Darlinlady I dont do smoke either
RobertOFtheRedwoods smoke
Darlinlady PU
MSallthat- I eat before, during AND after
MSallthat- Yummmmmmmmmy
SavageNobLe *curses the gods*
victor_5555 Hi poets
yorick_nixon lol
victor_5555 MS (Kiss Lips)
MSallthat- victor!!!~ :::::HELLLOOOO BAAAAABY!!!:::::::::::
yorick_nixon hey victor
Michaelsheart Poets ?
Michaelsheart where ?
yorick_nixon (Wave)
victor_5555 Hi yorick
Michaelsheart isn't this ADULT CHAT ?
magicword hello victor....
victor_5555 OK excluding you MIKE
victor_5555 Hi Magic
MSallthat- only if yer adult enough
yorick_nixon something keeps reminding me of those dwarfs in Velazquez
MSallthat- hahah the nightmare of the midget
wildtales (Kiss Lips)
MSallthat- buk
Michaelsheart if only you
MSallthat- deeep, looooong, Hard,,,,,FRENCH KISS !!
yorick_nixon buk is a deity
victor_5555 Must be yoour short cmmings yorick
_Romantic-at-Heart_ My lunch break is over. Only had time for a NOONER. LOL
MSallthat- afternoon Deeeelight.. yea
victor_5555 Love nooners
SavageNobLe heh@nooner
yorick_nixon that's it
wildtales back to work
MSallthat- that calls for a quickie
SavageNobLe s l a v e s
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 have fun
yorick_nixon former dogcatcher promoted to professor at a correspondence school
victor_5555 quickie is as quickie does
_Romantic-at-Heart_ Bye y'all... Enjoy your day!
yorick_nixon let's have quickie
victor_5555 Bye Romantic
Darlinlady take care Romantic
SavageNobLe be well
MSallthat- hey! that happened to me online and I was a high school drop-out.. you can fool anybody
SavageNobLe drive safely
yorick_nixon bye romantic
Michaelsheart bye bye
MSallthat- (Wave)
victor_5555 yorick is wanting a quickie?
victor_5555 any volunteers?
SavageNobLe MORE POETRY, FEED THE BEAST !!!!!!!!!!!!
MSallthat- I could go for one myself right about now
victor_5555 OK MS yorick is asking
Dill_finger Hello everyone
MSallthat- is he in your IM?
SavageNobLe hola dill
MSallthat- hydra!! hey gurl!
wildtales Roses are red, violets are have the shape of a B-52
Michaelsheart careful
victor_5555 Do the in and out dance, yorick
MSallthat- bring yer own condoms
Dill_finger May I share a very special poem with all of you.
yorick_nixon i'll bring my own mirror
MSallthat- I think he's pre something
wildtales NO
hydrashe4 Hello MS...big you doing
MSallthat- like occupied
MSallthat- I'm kewl, I'm kewl. .whatcha been up to gurl~!?
Dill_finger Here goes
MSallthat- pickles
victor_5555 what is that tongue doing MS?
Dill_finger (a poem?)--------------------------------------------------------------
Dill_finger Here I sit broken hearted...........
hydrashe4 working...third shift slave
Dill_finger tried to shit but only farted.
MSallthat-  Isn't that the same price your mother charges for a blow job, you piece of dog shit?
hydrashe4 very orignal Dill
MSallthat- hope ya wiped the fart stains outta yer undies
Dill_finger Thank You
MSallthat- (Lola!!!!!!!Lola!!!!!!!!!Lola!!!!!!!!!!)
victor_5555 Not wearing undies I think
Dill_finger My ass is green
Dill_finger your ass is yellow
hydrashe4 more then i wanted to know
MSallthat- men look better in undies
Dill_finger how many ladies
MSallthat- moreso than hanesies
Dill_finger wanna come spank this fellow?
MSallthat- not me. you sound queer
Dill_finger You homo, I said ladies
victor_5555 I'll spank ya
MSallthat- CAT..the OTHER white meat....purrrrrrr
Dill_finger fag
Dill_finger victor is gay
hydrashe4 is it ok if i read a poem
Dill_finger no
Michaelsheart bye all
victor_5555 Please not out of the closet yet
Darlinlady bye Peter..take care
victor_5555 Image is everything
MSallthat- hey now. there's a difference between fags and queers.. and some of my best friends are fags.. not queer
Michaelsheart thanks Darlin
Michaelsheart U too
victor_5555 MiNN has a great ass
Dill_finger Mr. salty balls is a homo too
MSallthat- I think so too
Dill_finger I think him and victor get it on.
victor_5555 Oh Baby
victor_5555 Don't tell my secrets
SavageNobLe oic
SavageNobLe the kids are out of school
MSallthat- can somebody respond to that idiotic remark
yorick_nixon how she got in those is a physics lesson
MSallthat- your balls are showing
victor_5555 only an idiot i think
MSallthat- well then maybe the dill one will answer himself
victor_5555 OOps sorry
MSallthat- OMG!!! ROFLMBO!!!!)
MSallthat- ZEBRA .. ATTACK!!!!
victor_5555 stuffing them in now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
victor_5555 I love those creamasteer muscles
MSallthat- for gods sakes.. wear a sock over that thing so it looks like ya got something
victor_5555 (Laughing Out Loud)
MSallthat- Sugar...... I Could Never Say No To You Darlin...... No Matter How Kinky You Wanna Be..
victor_5555 What's that in your mouth MS?
MSallthat- dickstick
victor_5555 (Italian kiss.........kag)
MSallthat- who's Italian in here?
yorick_nixon not me
hydrashe4 heinze 57 here
jadeswolf Good afternoon roomies =]
victor_5555 Italian Stallions
MSallthat- no, I mean the men.. italian men have small dicks
MSallthat- like the chinese
hydrashe4 hello Jadeswolf
SavageNobLe hola jade
hydrashe4 lmao
victor_5555 Not the ones I know
jadeswolf wazzup today =]
MSallthat- if yer gonna go foreign... go lesbian...
victor_5555 I played fotball with a guy named Mudano
victor_5555 He could balance 11 nickles on his hard cock
jadeswolf yayayayayaya =]
jadeswolf MS your always all that =]
MSallthat- must be an environment thing around here then
jadeswolf your so freaky i think i like ya =]
MSallthat- ahahah ( ( ( <<<_¸¢¥¤°¯ -- All That --¯°¤¥¢¸_>- MSallthat -<_¸¢¥¤°¯-- And More --°¯°¤¥¢¸_>>>)))
yorick_nixon stacked or in a line?
MSallthat- I never denied it
MSallthat- <------freaky
jadeswolf i hope not smile.
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 I walked away for a few and y'all are still on the adult chat subject...
MSallthat- ask anyone
MSallthat- I don't lie
jadeswolf am leaving for my world tour in about three weeks smile.
jadeswolf am stoked.....
yorick_nixon it's true
victor_5555 I saw a gal take his whole length one day
MSallthat- see dat.. I have a witness
yorick_nixon it says so on her web page
jadeswolf going to write some kick ass poetry.
MSallthat- you now get a free bukowski key chain yorick
jadeswolf and smoke some seriouse hashyyyyy
victor_5555 OK bye all
jadeswolf =]
victor_5555 Time to run the beach
MSallthat- XO's victor!
MSallthat- If your Dick is as big as your mouth is...we got a date!!!....
yorick_nixon (Wow)
jadeswolf damnnn laggg...
MSallthat- I'm not kiddin
victor_5555 MS (Kiss Lips)
MSallthat- (blowing a kiss at ya !)
MSallthat- I bid on this buk keychain just for you...
MSallthat- haha
hydrashe4 cough...cough.... is it ok if i read a poem
MSallthat- I already have one
jadeswolf fucking laggggg
jadeswolf piece of shit lagggggggg
yorick_nixon and you got it!?
MSallthat- in fact.. I have a dozen
MSallthat- I got em already
MSallthat- plus a matchbook
MSallthat- with a buk poem on it
yorick_nixon used?
MSallthat- nope
yorick_nixon wow
MSallthat- I have 2 of them
MSallthat- I'll send ya one of them too
hydrashe4 thanks Savage
MSallthat- if ya want it
yorick_nixon i need a care package
MSallthat- aha
yorick_nixon plus some coupons
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 yes, let's hear some poetry...
MSallthat- well, you can send me sperm back
MSallthat- o yea. I got coupons galore
hydrashe4 ( a poem) SWEET SLEEP
yorick_nixon np
hydrashe4 let the darkness fall let sleep silence it all
hydrashe4 please quet my emotions and stop these thoughts
hydrashe4 the tears cant be seen on a pillow thats black
hydrashe4 but theyre there waiting for a dream
hydrashe4 wanting to find peace in the dark crevice of sleep
hydrashe4 the sun shows no shame in exposing my pain
hydrashe4 so please let me close my eyes let me float to the dark side
hydrashe4 give my heart the time it needs to beat without the choking ache
hydrashe4 that consciouness wont let me escape
hydrashe4 please spare me please hear me please take me away
hydrashe4 let the darkness fall let sleep silence it all
hydrashe4 please
hydrashe4 end
hydrashe4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
yorick_nixon Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap***
jadeswolf Very coolness lady Hydra.
MSallthat- ooo kewl hydra
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 good stuff...
jadeswolf am listening to Live , on the beach and it went very cool with that poem smile.
jadeswolf very cool.
MSallthat- hey! I wonder if anybody in here EVER has any fun!???????
jadeswolf have had sleeping probs myself of late but all goodnow.
_guest9940 i do all the time
MSallthat- coulda fooled me
jadeswolf who me?
jadeswolf =]
MSallthat- no
yorick_nixon only when you're in the room
MSallthat- do you?
hydrashe4 thank you all
MSallthat- haha
_guest9940 is anyone reading
MSallthat- I think a lotta ppl are frustrated
jadeswolf ya im reading the screen...
yorick_nixon selling shit; like buk memorabilia and dickstick
_guest9940 with what
MSallthat- o, I don't sell my stuff
jadeswolf not me i seduced a very cool librarian yesterday =]
MSallthat- I ain't like that
jadeswolf all frustrations out thedoor =]
yorick_nixon it's true
MSallthat- ooo very kewl jades... with glasses?
jadeswolf yup
yorick_nixon you give it all away
jadeswolf and the very very long hair that lets down =]
MSallthat- yea, I am a souvenier
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 No one has read most of my poems...
yorick_nixon even yr books
MSallthat- o good.. then it ain't the funky librarian that I know
jadeswolf LOL
MSallthat- did someone say they did?
jadeswolf i got no time for funk =]
_guest9940 is anyone gonna read
jadeswolf just claws and bites =]
MSallthat- o, I've sold a lotta them..
yorick_nixon i could use a librarian poem
MSallthat- o shit.. I was almost finished mine..
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 I'm feeling too unsure of myself to impromptu today
MSallthat- I'll finish it tonight
jadeswolf finished what?
MSallthat- my librarian poem
yorick_nixon kewl
_guest9940 is there a host here
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 no
MSallthat- I got interrupted earlier and didn't finish it
jadeswolf well i dont really like librarys usually go to B&N
MSallthat- I only hafta rap-it-up
jadeswolf ]but had to find a book.
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 love B&N
MSallthat- I goto ebay
MSallthat- aha
jadeswolf well i do a lot a LOT of studying
jadeswolf always at the book store cause of food and drink =]
MSallthat- I study myself
jadeswolf well im very SLOW =]
_guest9940 is anyone gonna read i can only be on here a little while and i'd like to read some
MSallthat- I goto the Krazy Kat lounge for that
jadeswolf so i have to do double the trouble .
_guest9940 i didn't get to last time cause no one would read
MSallthat- that too
jadeswolf im better at using my smile =]
FoxyLoxy_guest8343you missed some cool stuff..
jadeswolf is anyone up to read?
_guest9940 you guys can im me poems for me to read
MSallthat- O wait. I did find a coupla kewl poems in that book I was tellin ya about
phantomheart (enters the chat) hey ya'll
MSallthat- finally
MSallthat- hey heart
yorick_nixon phantie
phantomheart (Wave)
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 hello...
phantomheart so whats goin on?
jadeswolf just the usual ...
phantomheart that much huh
phantomheart lol
MSallthat- extreme boredom
phantomheart ooooo
jadeswolf sex tricks and wanna be licks =]
phantomheart i said i was bored today
yorick_nixon (Kiss Lips)
phantomheart and a buncha people wanted to cyber
phantomheart hahahaha
San_Diegan (Kiss Lips)
phantomheart be careful there ms
MSallthat- yea, I'll hafta leave soon before it's gets terminal
_guest9940 i will
phantomheart lol
MSallthat- o, I ain't in the mood
phantomheart neither was i
MSallthat- lol
phantomheart hahaha
phantomheart went took a nap
MSallthat- when I think about what they really look like on the other side of the monitor....
MSallthat- puke
San_Diegan (Kissing you a deep, sensous, passionate, toe curling, tongue on fire, soul searing, ass aching, body trembling kiss {{CH}})
phantomheart naps beat cyber anyday
phantomheart lmao
MSallthat- yea. specially when ya take yer toys with ya
phantomheart (am i old???..oh hell i hope not)
San_Diegan Oh My!
_guest9940 is anyone gonna read
_guest9940 someone please answer me
phantomheart NO
phantomheart lol
phantomheart hahaha
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 at the rate things have been going, probably not
phantomheart ( <<< Sorry >>> )
yorick_nixon ( <<< Sorry >>> )
phantomheart ( <<< Sorry >>> )
MSallthat- what?
MSallthat- |ok. here's a poem
MSallthat- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- **love is a dog from hell**
MSallthat- by:charles bukowski
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- feet of cheese
MSallthat- coffeepot soul
MSallthat- hands that hate poolsticks
MSallthat- eyes like paperclips
MSallthat- I prefer red wine
MSallthat- I am bored on airliners
MSallthat- I am docile during earthquakes
MSallthat- I am sleepy at funerals
MSallthat- I puke at parades
MSallthat- and am sacrificial at chess
MSallthat- and cunt and caring
MSallthat- I smell urine in churches
MSallthat- I can no longer read
MSallthat- I can no longer sleep
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- eyes like paperclips
MSallthat- my green eyes
MSallthat- I prefer white wine
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- my box of rubbers is getting
MSallthat- stale
MSallthat- I take them out
MSallthat- Trojan-Enz
MSallthat- lubricated
MSallthat- for greater sensitivity
MSallthat- I take them out
MSallthat- and put three of them on
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- the walls of my bedroom are blue
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- Linda where did you go?
MSallthat- Katherine where did you go?
MSallthat- (and Nina went to England)
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- I have toenail clippers
MSallthat- and Windex glass cleaner
MSallthat- green eyes
MSallthat- blue bedroom
MSallthat- bright machinegun sun
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- this whole thing is like a seal
MSallthat- caught on oily rocks
MSallthat- and circled by the Long Beach Marching Band
MSallthat- at 3:36 p.m.
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- there is a ticking behind me
MSallthat- but no clock
MSallthat- I feel something crawling along
MSallthat- the left side of my nose:
MSallthat- memories of airliners
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- my mother had false teeth
MSallthat- my father had false teeth
MSallthat- and every Saturday of their lives
MSallthat- they took up all the rugs in their house
MSallthat- waxed the hardwood floors
MSallthat- and covered them with rugs again
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- and Nina is in England
MSallthat- and Irene is on ATD
MSallthat- and I take my green eyes
MSallthat- and lay down in my blue bedroom.
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- by: charles bukowski
MSallthat- from the book: Love is a Dog from Hell
MSallthat- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cafe Poetry Reader~~~~
MSallthat- (buks-da-man yea-yea!!!)
--whoopeecat-- (buks-da-man yea-yea!!!)
phantomheart cool
yorick_nixon Standing O (***Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap***(Jo&Chief))
MSallthat- ((((((¯°¤¥¢_¸¢¥¤°¯°¤¥ HEY WHOOPEECAT ! ¥¤°¯°¤¥¢_¸¢¥¤°¯)))))) (get in line) (get in line))
_guest9940 anyone else
SunRay- damn i missed a Buk!
phantomheart hey ms you gonna be proud
yorick_nixon i puke at parades
phantomheart i actually bought some buk today
MSallthat- I puke behind em
MSallthat- which one?
yorick_nixon in front of 'em is good, too
phantomheart the last night of the earth
--whoopeecat-- i puke in front of them so they have somethin to walk around
MSallthat- o.. very kewl!
phantomheart yeah
MSallthat- ahhaha
phantomheart am likin it
SunRay- thats a good one :)
MSallthat- they only get better
WSpoet hello everyone
yorick_nixon i agree
--whoopeecat-- and the clown with the horse shit scooper don't like to clean it up either
phantomheart hey WS
yorick_nixon he got better and better
--whoopeecat-- he'd rather scoop horse shit
phantomheart also got some ginsberg
MSallthat- yea. well, that's usually what we all hope happens as we go along. lol
--whoopeecat-- than whoopee puke
phantomheart lol
--whoopeecat-- phantom
phantomheart its that bad whoopee?
phantomheart what
--whoopeecat-- listening to a kerouac tribute at this moment
MSallthat- buk had a big dick
phantomheart ahhh
phantomheart cool
phantomheart he did ms?
MSallthat- I was at kerouac
MSallthat- 's birthday party
MSallthat- a coupla months ago
--whoopeecat-- Kerouac-kicks of darkness
MSallthat- yea, he did ... I have a pic
yorick_nixon he looked for a guy who's been dead 33 years
yorick_nixon good
phantomheart wow
--whoopeecat-- got everybody readin' his stuff
phantomheart put it on yer site
phantomheart i wanna see
MSallthat- lol
MSallthat- I will
phantomheart cool
phantomheart lol@yor
MSallthat- it was an 'in memory' birthday party.. in Los Angeles
--whoopeecat-- hey MS...did ya see where they moved holy fools date?
yorick_nixon my boy just read 'dharma bums' and wants to take off for the summer
MSallthat- yes, I got an email about it
_MiNN1 whoopee looking for my information! (Howdyyyyyy)
phantomheart lol
--whoopeecat-- and all
yorick_nixon he's 12
phantomheart hahaha
MSallthat- hahaaha
phantomheart cool
yorick_nixon kerouac's like a drug
_guest9940 is anyone reading
MSallthat- the beat writers' hail
phantomheart gonna hit him next then
MSallthat- are you stupid guest 9940?
--whoopeecat- this cut on the CD by Maggie Estep & The Splitters is way kewl....did Skid Row Wine to music
_guest9940 why
MSallthat- I'd call this a conversation
yorick_nixon rofl
phantomheart ooo
yorick_nixon kewl
_guest9940 i know but i want to read some poems
SunRay- open a book
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 Could you be more obnoxious, MS???
MSallthat- wait.. ask a stupid question.. I should have thought of a stupider answer
--whoopeecat-- Ginsberg is on here too,
phantomheart Oh yes she can
MSallthat- does it really matter to you fox?
yorick_nixon easy
phantomheart (nodsvigorously)
MSallthat- ahha
phantomheart hahahaa
--whoopeecat-- insert bag over mug
MSallthat- o.k., how's this:
MSallthat- don't be sucha fuckin prude all of yer life
MSallthat- and maybe you'll get a man!
MSallthat- is that better?
_guest9940 i have a man
yorick_nixon rofl
_guest9940 i'd like to read some poems
phantomheart oh is that what keeps ya from gettin 'em
MSallthat- yer name ain't foxy.. pay the fuck attention
_guest9940 i guess you don't think that yours are good enought
phantomheart i thought was because i was too mean
MSallthat- yea and age spots
MSallthat- now
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 I just think that you expect to go to "Poetry Cafe" and read about fucking poetry, not some idiot's dick size
phantomheart woah
_guest9940 thanks foxy
phantomheart idiot???????????
phantomheart ooooops
MSallthat- o, I don't think there's one big enough to stuff in yer mouth, _cunt_!
MSallthat- not in here UNLESS
yorick_nixon it's an imporant idiot's dick size
phantomheart yep
MSallthat- yer still lookin for that virtual 12 incher
MSallthat- ????
MSallthat- don't fuck with me cunt
--whoopeecat-- i gotta boom mic that might fillin!
phantomheart one of the most important idiot's dick size
yorick_nixon rofl
MSallthat- roll this beautiful bean footage
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 My feeling is, who care about his dick size???
MSallthat- ~~~~~~
MSallthat- my feeling is:
_guest9940 no one cares
MSallthat- who the hell gives a fuck what you care about!?
MSallthat- you and yer fantasy fucks
MSallthat- it was alright thO when you thought yer tits were big enough, eh?
MSallthat- now
FoxyLoxy_guest8343I'm not fucking with anyone, I wanted to discuss poetry
_guest9940 msall is having erectile dysfunction and he's embarrased
MSallthat- go outside yer fuckin door and get laid and maybe, just maybe.. .. YOU won't be sucha frustrated old bitty!
MSallthat- are you some kinda idiot guest... I have a twat..
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 but obviously, I'm in the wrong chat room? Does anyone else feel this way???? Or is it just me??
MSallthat- it's just you...
yorick_nixon guest is a dark TV screen
MSallthat- ...and the fuckin brick wall over there
phantomheart lol
MSallthat- don't come around when I'm here if you don't like it.. I don't live here and worship every fuckin avatar that thinks Im pretty like some ppl
MSallthat- I HAVE a fuckin life
MSallthat- and I live it
MSallthat- to the fullest
MSallthat- and that includes.... sizing cocks
MSallthat- har!
SunRay- rof!
yorick_nixon LOL
phantomheart llamo
MSallthat- so you are nobody to tell me how to run my mouth.. you run yers your way and I'll reply!
MSallthat- YOU FOX YOU!
--whoopeecat-- i love how grocery bags don't talk back
FoxyLoxy_guest8343i live my life to the fullest as well, and just thought that there would be interesting people to discuss poetry.
MSallthat- belch
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 I guess I was wrong.
MSallthat- HAHAHAH don't make me fuckin laff... I know I won't cum in my pants over it
_beat_reality I can see all us literate's a playin hookey today huh?
FoxyLoxy_guest8343 You need to calm down a little, I think.
_beat_reality ^are
MSallthat- if you paid attention to everything.. everything is interesting
yorick_nixon every worm is a martyr
MSallthat- I think you need a good stiff one
MSallthat- lol
MSallthat- lalalal
_beat_reality and every martyr a fool
phantomheart (~ CONGRATULATIONS and BEST the Bride and Groom......~)......~TJ~)
MSallthat- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!)
phantomheart hehehe
--whoopeecat- i wouldn't waste a stiff one on it
MSallthat- it's so good to vent
phantomheart read us some buk ms
MSallthat- ^5 whoop!
mecb5 Ignorance is everywhere
phantomheart ait dat de trut
MSallthat- ok. here's one...
_beat_reality yup
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- **now, if you were teaching creative
MSallthat- writing, he asked, what would you
MSallthat- tell them?**
MSallthat- by:charles bukowski
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- I'd tell them to have an unhappy love
MSallthat- affair, hemorrhoids, bad teeth
MSallthat- and to drink cheap wine,
MSallthat- avoid opera and golf and chess,
MSallthat- to keep switching the head of their
MSallthat- bed from wall to wall
MSallthat- and then I'd tell them to have
MSallthat- another unhappy love affair
MSallthat- and never to use a silk typewriter
MSallthat- ribbon,
MSallthat- avoid family picnics
MSallthat- or being photographed in a rose
MSallthat- garden;
MSallthat- read Hemingway only once,
MSallthat- skip Faulkner
MSallthat- ignore Gogol
MSallthat- stare at photos of Gertrude Stein
MSallthat- and read Sherwood Anderson in bed
MSallthat- while eating RITZ crackers,
MSallthat- realize that people who keep
MSallthat- talking about sexual liberation
MSallthat- are more frightened than you are.
MSallthat- listen to E. Power Biggs work the
MSallthat- organ on your radio while you're
MSallthat- rolling Bull Durham in the dark
MSallthat- in a strange town
MSallthat- with one day left on the rent
MSallthat- after having given up
MSallthat- friends, relatives and jobs.
MSallthat- never consider yourself superior and/
MSallthat- or fair
MSallthat- and never try to be.
MSallthat- have another unhappy love affair.
MSallthat- watch a fly on a summer curtain.
MSallthat- never try to succeed.
MSallthat- don't shoot pool.
MSallthat- be righteously angry when you
MSallthat- find your car has a flat tire.
MSallthat- take vitamins but don't lift weights or jog.
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- then after all this
MSallthat- reverse the procedure.
MSallthat- have a good love affair.
MSallthat- and the thing
MSallthat- you might learn
MSallthat- is that nobody knows anything---
MSallthat- not the State, nor the mice
MSallthat- the garden hose or the North Star.
MSallthat- and if you ever catch me
MSallthat- teaching a creative writing class
MSallthat- and you read this back to me
MSallthat- I'll give you a straight A
MSallthat- right up the pickle
MSallthat- barrel.
MSallthat- .
MSallthat- by: charles bukowski
MSallthat- from the book: Love is a Dog from Hell
MSallthat- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cafe Poetry Reader~~~~ cooochie...coochie...coochie-coo!
MSallthat- (buks-da-man yea-yea!!!)
SunRay- (buks-da-man yea-yea!!!)
yorick_nixon dammitall
MSallthat- hehe kewl
yorick_nixon (***Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap...Clap***(Jo&Chief))
phantomheart ohhh that one..... ( W0000000000 ! ) __( standing 0 ! )__ ( W0000000000 ! )------------------------------------------------------------------ now I'm not sure why she suddenly left the chat room and has never returned to my knowledge...was it me or bukowski's poetry!? you figger it out.
