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Joe Mahoney

     I am a software exec. and I do secret internet foo. I live near Boston, Massachusetts and spend a lot of time in San Francisco.
     I began writing poetry a few years ago in a brave but ultimately feckless attempt to stave off a canonical entrapment breakdown.
     I sometimes write with a pseudonym: Yorick_Nixon. I also write music and play musical instruments. I was a member of Boston noise band Inner Beauty and San Francisco improv combo Senator Buchanon. With the members of Inner Beauty I co-authored a pre-web internet published dystopic novel entitled "Skunk Angst".
     Any spare time I have I read Shakespeare or listen to Bach. Bach seems to be the one thing all nerds agree on. I've lost touch with my culture. Though my friend Janet has turned me onto Cat Power. My only firmly held cultural belief is that Chan Marshall of Cat Power is kind of a babe.



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Joe Mahoney

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  • poems
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    • Reflections On My First Century

      'What a waste of a century'
      I was thinking.

      Just then a train pulled in.

      I did my reflexive thing.

      Latched my arms around the railing
      Behind the graffitied-up bench.

      This prevents me from hurtling myself
      Onto the tracks.

      I don't know why
      I would want to do that.

      And I can't ask Blaise Pascal
      I can't ask Kierkergaard
      The red-nosed reindeer.
      They're not my century.

      It would appear I'm on my own.

      Am I really so full of days?
      So soon?

      I think I'll just sit here for a bit
      Burning incense to Baal.
      Thank the empty sky
      The speechless leaves
      The pentagonal yellow pill
      I took this morning.

      Burning Daylight

      When I was young I would sometimes hide
      In damp underground living rooms
      Hollowed out beneath the
      Atlantic ocean beach nearby.

      Lazy afternoons cajoling
      The dentist's canny daughters,
      Valerie and Victoria,
      To come and join me there.

      We had a mat and some wineskins.
      And no shirts allowed.
      With a fanlight and periscope we could watch
      The wind blowing tourist's hats off.

      As the ocean rose
      We'd laugh at my brother
      Paddling by on a homemade raft.
      Followed in close pursuit by the dentist,
      Screaming the names
      Of his missing daughters
      Nectar and spittle flying back into his face,
      My old man's hat
      Glued fast to his massive dentist head.

      Where's May Been?

      I was walking from treetop to treetop
      Unable to find May and boring myself to death;
      Unlike the naked racoons playing cribbage
      With the nobody you've been trying to buy a noose from.

      May plays the dulcimer. Poorly.
      But knows how to build a campfire
      Of druidic grandeur.
      And what to do with an erection
      And with the ghosts that visit
      From time to time
      Right here, in the middle of infinity.

      May wants me to be a good man
      And I want nothing but good things for her.
      And our enemies will be punished.

      And I watched May sleeping this morning.
      She hadn't even changed out of her jeans, May,
      Just her shirt, which I held, and she was so beautiful
      And the gods and devils swirling
      Around our paisley smoke just went, "Whoa. May.'

      Cave Man Singing

      O forest, stone
      I need to undress you.
      Get past the beating you're taking
      In the market. Move on, girl.

      It doesn't matter,
      You're mine, O elements,
      O rain slapping at my skin
      Don't stop.

      The break was swift,
      A comet's tail
      Tellingly brief.
      And wide of the mark.

      You've had it all wrong,
      Love's patterns.
      If only my lungs had the throw weight
      To make things plain again.

      I want to say something
      Beautiful for once.
      Something I haven't said before
      In a letter to someone else.

      I may need to find
      A deeper vein then, O climate.
      Or fall in love slightly less often.
      I've found someone new to love.

      But here we are, anyway; three
      On a couch together, Julie;
      Ignoring the wind blowing cinders
      Back down onto your living room floor.

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