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from cat's Nudescapes Collection

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       Cheryl A Townsend's Photography

    My Photography Is Shot with a 22 year old Canon AE-1 and a Tamron 80-210mm lens. B&W shots are with Kodak TMX 100 and Ilford XP2. Color shots are good old Kodak Gold 200.

    A small collection of my favorite abstracts, landscapes, and nudescapes are available at Warm Arts

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Cheryl Townsend

click on photo for larger view

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    I'm one foot
    shy of the door
    and taking back
    my hand from the knob
    Looking back
    at my own shadow
    Wondering if it
    will follow
    echoes in these walls
    barren of reminders
    and reasons
    pile below my feet
    like laundry
    that never gets done
    I'm almost gone again
    and you watch
    from a safe distance
    Pride fears a plea
    yet pulls you closer
    to the hand
    that reaches
    but doesn't quite grasp
    the knob to goodbye

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    Cheryl Townsend is the Editor of Impetus magazine & head of Implosion Press. She created the Impecunious Poetry Project and hosts readings where ever she can. She recently formed W.A.R.M. (The Womens Art Recognition Movement) and has been setting up art shows throughout Ohio promoting the art of women. She is the head cat at cat's Impetuous Books & stuff in Kent, Ohio... (get the feeling there's a little imp in her?) She has been published in hundreds of journals, anthologies and collections and has been working on a collective to shop around. An avid photographer and abstract's work can be viewd at:



    For more, Check out:

  • Cat Townsend, "Sex Is Poetry"

  • Cat's Impetuous Books

  • Nudescapes ... Shadows and angles...
    The body
  • Cat's Impetus Gallery Shop

  • WarmArts

  • e-mail cat

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    poetry, art ©Cheryl Townsend
    unauthorized use is prohibited.
    webdesign: cait collins