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  • Dan Symonds is 27 and lives in London, England.
  • He writes poetry, and wastes the rest of his time on various other crap, including maintaining a website.
  • Most of the artwork and a bit of the poetry on the website is by his partner in crime, Ju. 

  • visit Dan Symonds'
    Spoken Aloud for more musings.
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Dan Symonds

click on photo for larger view

  • Dreaming Electric Sheep
  • website
  • e-mail

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    Dreaming Electric Sheep

    Reconstructed in wire,
    The beast still remains:
    Its heart thumps blood packets
    Through fibre-optic veins.

    Its once sable skin
    Is glittering with sparks:
    Its muscles expanding
    Electrical arcs.

    Mounted cameras replace
    Its beady red eyes,
    While twin speakers clatter
    Its terrible cries.

    Is it happier now?
    Does it still feel the pain?
    Try asking it that, as
    It feasts on your brain.

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    poetry/art ©copyright Restless Natives

    unauthorized use is prohibited.
    webdesign: cait collins