chew chew, chomp chomp, spit spit! yea, there's a reason for that previous statement and you'll find it somewhere in this issue and whoever finds it first, receives the grande` prize: an all expense round-trip unpaidfor visit with yourself and the shadow of your neighbors choice around yer own block. used tickets must be redeemed within one year from date of! no refunds, deposits or returns. with that, on with the new news:
I'd like to welcome Duane Locke to the ho!d with his brilliant poetry and art. make yourself @home@the ho!d Duane!
plus the ho!d is moving on with added staff (thank yiPPeee christ - heh) and thanx, you'se!
there's also a new cafe shop with an arsenal of cool ho!d stuff suchas: personalized t-shirts, mugs and mousepads with the ho!d's trademark. check out the souveniers at the ho!d's new arsenal.
anyone, yea ANYONE that's a bukowski fan or plans on being one in the near future, CLICK HERE and eat yer hearts out. (I'm the happiest gurl in the whole USA!!!)
one last thing: I have the advantage of reading everything that's submitted before you and there's just one question that I have pertaining to Nicholas Morgan's short story this month and that is: what part of somebody's body did that hair come from!? let us know, wouldya? yea!
o.k., thanx for another great issue, you contributors, you! and now yer on yer own so, read it and leap into the ho!d! cait---night dAev!
- hey! and this one's for you! and you and you and...so on...and on and...9coronas.exe
issue 29
Smell ME
goo's harangue
Sapphology - 4
poetry forum
prose/short stories
spoken ho!d |