the harangue by: Goo
feb. 2000
...working my ass of third shift more then full time, going through a
divorce, a dog with cancer and terminally ill, total seperation from my
family, thank god, spending new money, getting a stoner roomate, smoking a
ton of weed, organizing my life, buying a handgun, ordering a top of the
line bong, playing games, harrassing my friends and who knows what i started this episode before last months was even produced, or
this months whichever, temporal confusion...people have been especially
annoying lately and I am glad, 50% of all the things Ive ordered online Ive
had a problem receiving and shit, Im becoming very sceptical, my friend
tells me its just like ordering over the phone, but Ive done that a million
times and never had issues, so i wait for my memory chips, and I pray for
my bong and hope for the new game I ordered at a discount...if only i can
receive my purchases, Id be saving a bundle...I can hear pigeons purring
outside the window...this damn refirgerator always frosts over, soon it
will sit beside the other old fridge out in the yard by the
should see the poems in my pockets, I keep my pants lined with gold, or
lead, or hot copper and no one knows the better...any desire to repent your
past gyrations against the english language is ludicrous, I speak in a
hep/ex-biker/head/midwest/this supposed gen-x/enlightened/mystic/fool
patoiea and I cant even spell that word right, though i hope you get the
meaning beacuase I do have spell checkers and know my grammar but choose to
continue the monologue in my mind then turn back and correct or stop
mid-rift, theres so much to spew, to do and lack of ambition or marijuana
and insanity force me to rarely ever correct my work, I own miles of some
sort of 'incorrectness' among the relative sheepish i write,
the purple bong rests on my chin, down to a nickel bag, the holidays and
millenia, everyones on vacation or sick, been trying for days, 30 bucks in
my wallet from a pal, same problem different neighborhood...the fellow on
the radio is absurd, but not as absurd as that fellow on the news channel
so early in the morning that other day, the one after new years...John
Voigt is mad, prudish and vehemetly opposed to mind altering drugs, he is
my mortal enemy, but as a libertarian thats ok...I get calls from friends,
or whoever they are, I never hear from them, except when they want dope,
and then they won't leave me alone, doing them a favor for no money at all
often, I told them i had high grade dope on sunday, but they were too busy
with other bullshit, and now they want to chime in on my free time, asking
for weed that isn't there anymore, I can't use my source during the regular
week, and these people want to be pissers when I can't help them out...I'll
smoke my bong alone then...evrytime its an argument, he's no fun to talk to
anymore...don't kill the messenger, I'm just telling you what I heard, I am
in defense of no one...I have forgotten simplicity for good reason, it has
evaded every aspect of my life as of late...the snow doesnt help, it
prevents freedoms of its own design...i don't look too deeply into
anything, or is it that I look beyond, maybe its only to view the world
from a different perspective, Ive never felt a part of anything, Ive never
felt as a member of the whole, I've never been able to compare my feelings
to the way that most feel, I am an alien in a sense...I prefer not to be
known...I am a single unified nation, though this sovereign state has felt
nauseaus lately, I havent made it to work on time all week...I live my life
by tainted rules, but enough about myself...I want to know about people I
could like, new minds and souls, the metaphysics of a being, if only we all
had open souls, the world would be another place...i feel like Im spinning
in a twisted circle, always waiting for something, anxious and sleepy,
working third an outcast, I finally feel like a success, as a
part of the failing whole, Ive always felt a failure, ont he periphery I
can be myself with a smile...what have I birthed myself into?...why does
Jesus' name keep popping up in politics? I never voted for that
man...religious men so love the world that they are so forced to exhibit
hate and intolerance upon their fellow gods creations...who's the fat chick
in the corner?...the world collapsed a thousand years ago, but no one took
notice, we live now in the debris...
listen to the reading mind of the mystic fool