welcome to the ho!d - an e-zine of contemporary writing!
founded by dAev dembinski

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the ho!d extends deepest regrets and condolences to Michael Hathaway and the Hathaway family on the passing of Mrs. Jane Hathaway, his mom.
Mrs. Hathaway was Chiron Review's assistant editor, co-founder of Chiron Review Poetry Festival and a member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
Michael Hathaway is a regular contributor of the ho!d.
may memories comfort you, Michael.
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in remembrance of charles bukowski
1920 - march 9th, 1994

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HOT TOPICS is a new event at the ho!d. our readers are encouraged to write anything about these bits of debris that their funky minds can conjure. every few weeks new topics or items will be added.
• this service is brought to you by Goo, imperialistic co-editor of the-hold.com!

I, along with the expert staff of the ho!d have pulled in some tremendous new talent to add to the genius of our regulars and we would like to welcome you all to the ho!d!

in the poetry forum:
• j.n. foster, Joe Mahoney, Arthor Ray Bag and Julie Schillinger --- you'll also find awesome art a la erotica - hubba!

and in the prose section
• Jackie Moss scared the shit outta me with her cutting edge style...YOU!

star.gif - 122 Bytesadded attractions:

• cheryl townsend turns on the lights with her nudescapes artwork. you go gurl!
• alison inaba shows us how her poetry comes alive! yea!
• don't forget the spokenho!d, there's always new audio contributions in that department too!
• the contributors' cafe shops are growing with new and fascinating memoribalia for your collection. support the poets! you can find them all if you CLICK HERE!

thanx for another great issue, you contributors, you'se!

Returner.gif - 174 Bytesand now read it and leap into the-hold.com
no pushing or shoving...stay in single file line. yer on yer own. (if you miss any of this issue, go fuck yerself somewhere else!) - no spittin' either. I despise lunger stains on the wallpaper, dammit!

ooOoo, this was a big one...
---night dAev!  XO's cait

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issue 30
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  • Smell ME
  • Dolomite
  • goo's harangue
  • Sapphology - 5

  • star.gif - 122 Bytes poetry forum
    star.gif - 122 Bytes prose/short stories

    star.gif - 122 Bytes spoken ho!d
    star.gif - 122 Bytesdon't hesitate to submit your event or announcement in the  current events  page if you want plenty of people to know about it! add your own anytime during the month.
    star.gif - 122 Bytesif you have any comments about what you read at the ho!d (good or great), let us hear it all on the graffiti messageboard - this is where YER on the air! we thrive on compliments.


    star.gif - 122 Bytesorgy a la peanuts  star.gif - 122 BytesAmer. Medical Ass notice  star.gif - 122 Bytespeewee(?) herman  star.gif - 122 Bytesfastfoodfuck  star.gif - 122 Bytesmonkey biZ
    spoken ho!d
    previous issue
    star.gif - 122 Bytesthe ho!d's arsenal
    of cool stuff!
    current events
    star.gif - 122 Bytesthe ho!d staff
    star.gif - 122 Bytesabout the ho!d
    star.gif - 122 Bytescontributors
    index of cafe shops
    author's bios
    star.gif - 122 Bytessubmissions
    star.gif - 122 Bytesinformation
    @the ho!d

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    signeyes3_ss.gif - 902 Bytesview
    visit cat's Impetuous Books and stuff for all your contemporary needs!

    thanks for reading the ho!d
    all poetry, prose, artwork, books and especially the rants
    are copyright of their respective authors-

    unauthorized use is prohibited.
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    © 2000 the ho!d
    all rights reserved.
    maintenance by cait collins
    editor/publisher -
    editor - dAev dembinski
    revised: 03.01.2000