SAPPHOLOGY A Study of Lesbianism - march 2000 redd_k
Part 5 of 5
My introduction to this paper was in August 1998, and I added to it each month through November. In this Part Five I will conclude the study with an investigation of just what does and does not cause homosexuality. Even though I tried to exclude homosexual behavior from that which constitutes pure lesbianism, I find such a widespread belief that lesbianism is homosexuality, that some discussion is warranted. The dictionary itself defines the word "lesbian" as a homosexual woman, and the word "lesbianism" as homosexual behavior in women. That I dare to define it otherwise brought many questions and even argument; such that I wanted to explain why I disagree with that "book definition."
I know personally many women who are homosexual. I know even more who would deny even the slightest interest in being a lesbian. Some women become hostile over the suggestion that they are lesbian. Yet many who feel this way agree that women are different from men in that they have the ability, or the capacity, to love as no man can. That is what I call lesbianism. As to the inclination to engage in homosexual activity, more needs to be said, so I will offer my opinion. I believe that being a woman is being a lesbian. If it happens that there is a born-in tendency to behave homosexually, one has no choice in the matter, although one may choose to suppress it. Everybody knows the X/Y chromosome thing that determines the gender of a new fetus, and most probably know that it is not until after the first trimester of pregnancy that any physical evidence of gender can be seen. The determination of gender at conception then, is where lesbianism starts. As an embryo develops, the initial determination having been made, genital beginnings appear; and sometime during the second trimester take on the appearance of male/female "parts." Abnormalities may appear, but in most cases a fetus will show more and more clearly the development of either a male or a female. When the child is born everything necessary to its gender is there...can be seen. What is hidden and which will remain hidden for some years, is any propensity toward homosexual behavior, which may be in a part of the brain as one study suggested. What I believe about it, is that it was determined during that first trimester when the genes instructed the development of the fetus. If, as many believe, the tendency toward homosexuality is a "born in" thing and not a choice to be made later (or a second choice after a change of heart), then there should be no "fault" found. Choices as to how the born-in urges will be satisfied are of course what everyone sees, and are what determine stereotypes and other labels.
Some homosexuals are open about their orientation; some are "found out" one way or another; some who hide it well may only be suspected, or remain "hidden." Choices therefore do exist, and may very well determine behavior that is seen by others, resulting in type-casting and labeling. What is hidden, even from one's self very often, is the propensity to behave homosexually. It may be recognized and denied. It may be suspected and avoided. It may appear only as secret yearning never to be discussed even with intimates. Or it may be openly admitted, to one's self or to others. Here is where choices are made.
The matter of a part of the brain being a possible source of homosexuality was a PBS documentary, which I saw and found very interesting. It pointed out that this certain part of the brain, located near the front and between the two main lobes, was measurably smaller among known homosexuals, than it was among known heterosexuals. It led the scientists who made the study point to this as a possible cause of homosexuality. If so, it is my belief that this development is part of the instructions given a fetus by the gene or gene that determines sexuality. Obviously this theory is not proven; but it tells us that a search for a physiological explanation is sought by those who believe as I do, that homosexuality is not a choice. Behavior, yes. A homosexual man or woman may choose to behave as a heterosexual, for any number of social reasons. People who deny homosexual behavior amongst many heterosexuals are in my opinion naive. I believe that homosexuality is "born in," and not a choice; although the choice to suppress or express it may be made.
As to my belief that all women have the seed of lesbianism, let me repeat (again) that I refer to that wonderful ability that women have by nature, to love more deeply, more profoundly, than any man can. The agreement I received from readers, male and female, homo- and heterosexual, on this point reinforces my belief. So too I am convinced by the number of women I have met who were "straight" even onto mid-life, when for various reasons turned to a woman for love, that women by nature are lesbian.
For those who insist that lesbianism is only homosexuality, there is an abundance of literature on the subject from Freud and Ellis early in this century, which began the breakdown in Victorian prudery, to Kinsey, Masters and Johnson a half century later. Freud, for his part, did deal with the propensity for homosexuality being a born-in function of his "id," whereas choice belongs more to the ego and super-ego facets of personality.
I want to again thank the many readers who responded to my offering. All were polite. Most by far were positive. Many were such that I hope serious researchers will continue to look for cause as well as effect in the matter of gay and lesbian life styles.
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