welcome to the AWARD WINNING e-zine of the internet! click there!!
.I know ya like my little rig-a-roll-razza-ma-tazz bS stuff in the beginnin' of our zine. I've gotten e-mail with people admitting to me that they get off while they read the stuff I write and plead with me to talk dirty, via the typewriter, while I do this little pre-thing at the opening...so, ok...to my precious handjob extraordinaire, - get a blow-up doll fuck-off and leave me alone! and don't e-mail and tell me that I started this conversation with a *.*...I ended this before I started, ok? ok. allllllllll rightie... here we go: gawd almighty, I ain't the only exciting thing happenin' at the hold this time. I admit it - again. something new and amazing's always goin' down around here and now if i could only get this thing goin' a little closer to the first of the month - shuddup! ...o.k., pay the fuck attention cause when I'm through, I'm headed to the casino for a night of...break-a-legs...by_the_way...I have Barbie collectables (NRFB) that I gotta unload...(my luck has not been so good lately at the gamin' tables) lemme know. anyway...
new this month at the ho!d:
want a review of your new book?s (or others) ...well, the hold proudly presents Michael Basinski, the Assistant Curator of the Poetry/Rare Books Collection of the University Libraries, SUNY at Buffalo. His poems, articles and reviews have appeared in numerous publications as you will read in his bio. thanx so much for teaming up with the hold Michael. this is truly a great asset to be'hold'..!.
you've tasted a bit of Night Hawke and his Road Rage column, now feast yer eyes on the great poetry he's got goin' on.
the awesome talent of jeff filipski 's poetry and art are upon us. don't miss jeff's page!...plus
jeff and jay miner have teamed together and have come up with the ultimate collaboration! find it in the poetry forum under: duo collaborations.
these contributors are proud of their new websites...
please visit when you have the chance!:
I have found a new format for the current events page. check it out, you'll like it...if not-pay for a billboard.
our HOT TOPICS co-ordinator (Goo) has taken leave of, not only his mind, but the posting of the next event. so, yours truly has posted the next topic...haha, now you can imagine- goto the HOT TOPICS page... - but don't go there if yer not beyond the age of puberty!
don't forget the spokenho!d, there's always new audio contributions in that department too!
the contributors' cafe shops are growing with new and fascinating memoribalia for your collection. support the poets (you cheapO's)! you can find them all if you CLICK HERE! - and dammit, don't forget the chapbooks by the famed authors of the ho!d.
if you have any comments about what you read at the ho!d (good or great), let us hear it all on the graffiti messageboard - this is where YER on the air! we thrive on compliments. and of course, don't ferget to Smell ME lalalalalland
thanx for another great issue, you fantastic contributors, you'se!
ok... read it and leap into the-hold.com
...kkk, gotta check out and see if anyone's jumped from a 7th story window at the casino.. it's a daily happenin', man - later... ---night dave! XO's cait

issue 32

FAERIE by redd_k
Road Rage
Smell ME
poetry forum
prose/short stories
book reviews with michael basinski
spoken ho!d |