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    Nicholas Morgan:

    California native, now living in Michigan.
    I have started a website to premiere my literary work called JELLYGUN PRESS in collaboration with exceptional artist Andrew Burd, creator of
    BoOka Studios Digital Media

    I have been published in such literary sites as:

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Nicholas Morgan

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    Cut it out

         Mousy made it home, with a slice of the rotten cheese. He had to gnaw off his leg, after the human trap slapped his walking stick down with a thump of authority. Ma and Pa were all passed out in the dung heap. Suzie Slip jaw ate golden grahams with no milk. She gave birthday blowjobs, and never had toilet paper. Just polluted tap water. Brother Bob had beef jerky basements and to many stories about nothing. The sun shined down on the pretty little town, the pet midgets were panting like wolves on the prowl.
         Orange ashtrays and empty chore boys filled the needle dirtied laundry. Nelly took a wrong turn, and almost broke a nail. Orgasms fell from the clouded bohemian turd. Mousy was all out of ice; the jujube's turned in to his fat free treat. That rabbit has been eating my crops, and the humming birds seem to be flying near the secret fields I built. The Asian jungle spurts out the see saw completed jig saw. I decided to take a vacation, with out any tickets to fly.
         Lung juice mornings, the smell of 3 sinks, no garbage disposal, the pipes are clogged, and my time card is lost. Minimum wage paychecks, the faces at your door. She is so pleasing when she cries. Like a rainy day of Sun, with nothing to do, but dance naked in my own little igloo of shit. Suddenly, a rainbow over the hillbilly sand dune, Mother Nature laughing, a man slowly dies in her intestines. I suppose sleep is the appetizer. Mousy snuggled up in the cobwebs, lint filled belly, he dreamt of dreams, never bothering to feel the love she opened, after the lies.
         Early day snack treats chisel through the dreary Eyes. Inside the bird chirping yesteryears of every monumental Lip smack the mouth shut. Shuddering below are the land fish with Purina like teeth. Hungry for the sow soup. Which is boiling like a cloud full of thunder.
         A head ache to die for.
         She ate my lust-dried pain. Sit up straight. Eat your vitamins and pea pods. Hamburglars got a knife at the window of chimes. It's a glowing frog in a Cinderella dress. With an up turned oinker nose. Counting out magical beans. A Mafia masters basement. They drink scotch and eat pasta. Between the legs of eternity snaps another hungry shark. "Its all garbage" he blurts out his programmed whale hole.
         Mona ate raspberries out near the nuclear waste plant after killing her only goose. Dipsy dived down through the funnel fed cornfields. She had Noodle nards snorkel stuck up her corkscrew. The church bells ring. Alley cats ripping open some locked box, my manager told me to find, at a place named tim buck two, which didn't exist. With scents of food on it. That hog doesn't share his slop with out a fine reason to run.
    "Bingo!" Aunt Margie yells through the halls of another world. The man in the wall whispers, "Not yet." I'll take a salami sandwich with everything but mustard. Please don't touch the monkeys, they might bite. You can only pet the elephants.
         The shrink lifts her leg up, flashes some sort of used beaver face at the man with no insurance. I'll take two packs of the cheap ones. Walking alone in the woods. The leaves are dry. Fall approaches, the juicy appled fat face reminisces about his hidden fridge. "Yuck, did you see what that fella just did?" Herbie has been a stuffed animal all his life. Alarm shooting drip-dry macro micro marbles.
         Stroke of embolism with a dash of nutmeg on the whip creamed cherry shaved smirking egg hunt. Though shall not be the carnival roller rider, in the new sneakers. His feet were green, her tongue was yellow, and their blood was the blues. Those speed bumps only slow you down for a while. Look, he jumps like a little girl on those deep fried won ton chowder cakes. Those things were huge. Quit scratching; take that shower to the cleaners. I didn't ask for shindig yodels to have hoe down jamborees with broken banjos on my twittering island.
         I still remember when the doctor pulled the long tube from out of my two heads, which connected to a bubble, which, filled with blood. He scoffed at me wanting more morphine; as if a long tube being pulled from ones head is a normal day occurrence.
         Jasper threw another quarter in the slot machine. Dusted off his coat, and walked back to his jellybean in the sky. This wasn't going to go around that part of town. Tipsy torn toyed with hair do's and don'ts. After melting his carburetor to the back seat of a love machine gone wrong. Sally showed up in her checkered floods, and started yelling about her marshmallows again. She helped that kid get back on his feet. Now he walks on his hands.
         Caffeine finger paints and edible pictures. Jitter bugs and bed bugs, that cat has fleas beneath the skin. Keep the change pal. Bubble gum parties with root beer whiskey floats. Macaroni and cheese hiccuped the good grief mouth wash. Asked the waitress for a medium rare phone number. "Sir? Must you slobber so much?"
         Resting again, till the planes take off from gate 3. He was caught red handed with his snake in the palm of pleasure after paying 100 dollars a day to be in jail. The clown didn't have a trick left. They charge way too much for that stuffy tornado tickling nut job. You should listen to the sounds. " Annoying to the point of an arrow," she mumbled a lot with eyes of exhilaration.
         You have to cook that longer then a loner in the microwave. Of course I don't, and I don't appreciate the judge telling me about super simple standards.

         At last, the bacon is sizzling over the ice patch. You have to water that stuff more. Golly, barely a morsel left for them. Happily having hives, from bee stinger bun racks. "Honey? Can you stop at the pharmacy on your way home?" Belchingly brave footsteps. That yelling hurts my ears.
         Composite remembrance's through a maze of past voices attached to molded flinches. My head like lump atop my melon melting brain. The guitar starts off slow with a twangy induced electric beat fed distortion, which radiates in my loaded ears; it swims itself deep down past my soul to the tips of my toes. Leave a message, we'll call you back, the employer speaks. Big Bad Billy Brown barfed biscuits behind Beavers backyard barbecue.
         The bass slowly thumps its thick strings into the picture painting mind-tripping drummer pounding sweat like flying drips of purified aggression and love. I can't work on Easter fed worried homework assignments in over indulgence washed liquor feast beer tent. This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down, the big red X'd out sign reads in the distance centered in the cordless fever enhanced never-ending expedition. Clustered clowns cleverly cloud conclusions.
         My lungs are screaming out for air, hypoxia-eating perfusion sizzles with slowing down shine symbols of acoustic moments, being alone again.
         Countless nights with in her warm flesh fade to a winged animal in a locked safe, the combination changed. Her existence doesn't belong to me anymore. Her post cards meaningless, I saw the train coming over the horizon before the horizon had risen to the prolonged reality of one's own lovely foreseen agony.
         The house had a nice backyard, the house caught on fire and the realtors bailed out on promises of fortune. Have you always hunted with your hands? If you touch it, can you kill it? The tapes rewind around the telling tale of what it's like to die with nobody who can blow the balloon up enough before coughing. The curtain closes, the claps, like forgotten trauma eaten wounds, flapping like retarded seizures to old tunes soiled and sold urinating a new meaning out my orifices. He claims "he lives like this cause he likes it, seen to much to pretend" 'Big Black' [steelworkers]
    Crawling all over me.


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    My Lungs Hurt

    Celtic sounds relaxing ones anxiety ridden paranoia. Irish blood mixed in a blender with some pure limey juice, combinations turn to being alone for the few final emaculant seconds, and years with in ones own molded self.

    Churning to air purified citric stenches, covering up the shouldn't be growing that stuff shake. Even my cat sometimes gives me dirty vibes. His kitty gut almost reaches the ground now. Finessed the love with to much extravagant gourmet nibblers on a hunching catnip munch.

    Cunning confusion empties its answers of Egyptian drumbeat temples among the boiling sun, and the mummies are all break dancing a new move, with in this tune. I've been on my knees for a fix fed second of tranquillity. Certain magical moments are only left with in the time tuned laughter.

    Oh dear miniscule beliefs. The bastards of love. The fish skulls wash up on the lake Michigan shore, my bare feet step on them as I track through the midnight mosquitoes, wondering about the history of this sandy dunned- Mexican blanket around my shoulders.

    Crapping out my soul, to people I do not know. Pausing only for a brief second for inspiration. I hike through the wooded darkness with out a human near, only the hidden animals, they too, have red tired eyeballs glistening around this land I live in.

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