Name: Bracelets_HELL....~JaMIE...t0 thoSE ..wh0..shaRE theyre
Grew up in the TRenches 0f NeW~YorK CiTY....Where i,,,Developed
...a...senSE..FoR__(((( PaIN)))=(strongley advise anyone to stay away from
cellars)~~__Started Writing At Age 4yrs=When singing newest peom in caR~mommy
SAid!!==Shad up...I'll ..?~_.
*I now livE in..Gutter oF miami=South=Beach+...And do_*Sing*...and..they still
+my peotry is true crimes true things as are my songs+
+if youR in miami__finD,,,,,a muSic,,cellar....Bangin mY guitar+
~~oh yea,,,,im,,a Chic...heeee...31 yrs old....~~~BuT!! 700yrs
VAmpyRE..*...non-re-flective*__)_+(~_C-ya-Be-Well-_"anYone got a cig?...?
Type 0f Poetry:____SLidin___
They Awaken your Skin
TThe birthday Girls Hold you close to your Limbs
Pretty Bows of Plastic soons covers Your Head
Bringing Presents of Bricks that Bleed the thruth
Deranged in chains of open Air Porches Tex
A ride in theyre open air car to the birthday of
Where your down on your kness holding up .....
.............A---------GHOST^---------............... All An-=- while the Truth soaks into your tounge_____
BIRTHDAY Girls____We are Magicians of floods
Pretty Bows of A Prison___Slidin____The Walls----- NoN-Flection Romancing illussions Away_______
Not Dreaming-BUT-Still Believing---no time
The birthday Girls Will tie you in knoTS++++++++
When the cool Breezes dies on the Porch+++++
Its more then They Can feel.........
"BIRTHDAY GIRLS "!!!!!-Signed Osnake