'blue metal'
I almost had a second thought.
For some reason it took a long time.
Perhaps time drew itself out for me.
It wasn't so hard to do it here-
It was the hope things would be better
Over there
Because things were so bad over here.
Things can only get better.
And now I begin to concentrate on what I am doing.
Okay. Do this, do this, do this.
Am I ready?
Okay. Breathe.
I shake my head, clear my thoughts, look at the black hole in my face.
Can I do this?
Yes! Yes! Yes I can!
I get a good grip on the handle.
So awkward, it's supposed to face the other way.
My finger is slippery with sweat. I feel a drop of sweat roll down
my cheek - or was it a tear?
No matter, here I go.
I rest the barrel on my lower lip, curled over my teeth to keep the
metal from scraping like nails on a chalkboard.
Another deep breath.
I relish this one like no other.
I bring it in through my nose and let it out through my mouth,
watching the blued metal fog for one instant.
I close my eyes.
No time like the present.
The trigger is so cold, I am so cold.
Here I come.
Here I come.
Watch me. Here I come.
Oh God, I am so cold.