welcome to the ho!d - an e-zine of contemporary writing!


about the ho!d

     The ho!d was founded by yours truly in July of 1998, if my memory is working properly. It happened one coffee and OJ metanight. Maybe the stars and planets were perfectly aligned. Perhaps my humors were all balanced. Probably, I just had a weird idea and it stuck in my mind and sat there, like an old toad at the bottom of a pond. Whatever it was, I went nuts and decided that we (meaning "I") needed an internet zine where writers could do their thing and get some nice, constructive criticism on it. To be honest, that's all it was in the beginning. No great and noble precepts. No ambitious founding philosophy. Just the notion that people ought to be heard if they wanted to.
     And so you have before you, whirring and popping away with the pure creation juice, this monster of an e-zine. I want you all to stand up right now and give cait a gigantic round of applause, because without her this thing would've died many moons ago. Come on. DO IT. That's better.
cait, my dear, I salute you and wish you many an orgasm, brain and otherwise.


read it and leap into the-hold.com

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all poetry, prose, artwork, books and especially the rants
are copyright of their respective authors-

unauthorized use is prohibited.

© 2000 the ho!d
all rights reserved.
maintenance by cait collins

cait collins -
editor/publisher -
editor - dAev dembinski
e-mail the ho!d