existentialism in the upper atmosphere  -jan. 2000
star.gif - 122 Bytesron androla

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we're minds on brain-stems, he whispered.

alice exhaled a soft burst of throat-sculpted air.

that's how i see things, really. minds suspended above the surface of earth -- birdhouses on tall poles that walk -- flutter of finches & fluff in a dark tiny room above the ground -- the human mind as the flower on the kinetically-induced stalk. point in space surrounded by a ball of bone.

he knew exactly what he meant.

alice loved him. she felt her face glowing, & reached to touch his arm.

the layer of minds -- don't you see it? that layered suspension -- not that minds aren't ever leveled & pressed by gravity to the ground -- but like on a busy street, remove all peoples' bodies & it's like lights, like the curving space-net & flashes within, like a bunch of flitting angels!

yes honey, i see that. alice felt itchy for sex & orgasm.

lights of lives swarm over our spinning planet like electric mist, swirls, under the clouds -- carl sagan loved marijuana, by the way.

uh huh. are you sleepy? alice asked as she cuddled his head under her neck. she rubbed his old hair, scratched slow.

that feels delicious, he quietly sd.

ron androla

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