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    Name: Bracelets_HELL....~JaMIE...t0 thoSE ..wh0..shaRE theyre Cigs...alalallalaaa)_+ Grew up in the TRenches 0f NeW~YorK CiTY....Where i,,,Developed ...a...senSE..FoR__(((( PaIN)))=(strongley advise anyone to stay away from cellars)~~__Started Writing At Age 4yrs=When singing newest peom in caR~mommy SAid!!==Shad up...I'll ..?~_. *I now livE in..Gutter oF miami=South=Beach+...And do_*Sing*...and..they still say...SHaD~UP..alallallalla* +my peotry is true crimes true things as are my songs+ +if youR in miami__finD,,,,,a muSic,,cellar....Bangin mY guitar+ ~~oh yea,,,,im,,a Chic...heeee...31 yrs old....~~~BuT!! 700yrs VAmpyRE..*...non-re-flective*__)_+(~_C-ya-Be-Well-_"anYone got a cig?...? Type 0f Poetry:____SLidin___

    Signed:Bracelets_HELL *Be Well*Protect*YouR*Circle^)*



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Jamie B. Lepore

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    Title:yo pain ST:
    Crimes of the lucy archives

    Hey pain ST y0 i gotta tell ya this
    im in the dark an here i go,,again
    only this time i know the razors thin
    i aint cummin back its where i begin
    no basketball games no dirty dresses
    no innconcent smocks how impressive
    its the deadly games and childhood
    damn i met my match ta-day
    an there jus no way! y0 pain here
    are there monsters inside us
    from the day we are born y0
    or is it our very first dream
    of the dogs in the pool eatin us
    inbetween..or the pewtrid rafts
    of "jack an Jill"...goin up the stream
    or the real life situations that we
    must kill
    Hey y0 pain i gotta tell ya this
    here i go again y0 is that ...
    ..."Jack and Jill"-warin a toe tag..
    ..up on the hill?
    any other day id give em a comb
    jus so they looks co0ls for the pics
    ya know...?
    But ive met my match y0 im in the dark

    dancin in vomit i once thought
    Hey i go ....
    im a face of black with a golden stripe
    ankles bounded in party socks
    an..stealin lousy scripts from myself
    here in the dark
    y0 pain
    ive met my match an,,,its almost time
    before i catch my favorite bus ..... killing time......
    y0 pain ,,,y0 i had ta tell ya this*
    life is no movie jus a lousy script*

    signed:Brace a.ka. snakeVapor =Now smoke=
    inspired by CycoPreak

    ©Bracelets_HELL JBL 2000

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poetry ©copyright Jaime Lepore

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