(Yeh Right!) - april 2000

by: redd_k

     I want and expect argument regarding the following, but right off I am saying that my opinion on the subject is just that: an opinion.
     It used to amaze me that many men seem fascinated with lesbians, but not any more. Now I recognize it as a typical male trait. Women, so far as I know, do not have the same curiosity or fascination with gays, but for some reason men seem to believe that lesbians somehow "steal" from them and they just "know" that all the lesbian needs is one night with them to make them change. This is a laugh of course, and maybe some men know that it doesn't work that way. Yet they seem to want a sexual relationship with them anyhow. They want to watch two lesbians making love. They want to participate in "threesome" sex. To men, lesbianism is just sex, and they simply don't want to be left out.
     We have all heard the worn out expression "I'm a lesbian trapped in a male body." Or "I must be lesbian because I like pussy too." Not only do these men prove their ignorance, they also get nowhere with true lesbians. Sure men have relations with bisexual women, but what they don't seem to understand is that it has nothing to do with bisexuality. A man may not even know that the sex partner also likes same gender sex, because some bi women prefer to keep that secret. Men prefer to believe, if they know the woman is bi, that she prefers men; particularly "that" man. Well some bisexual women do prefer men, but many prefer women. I doubt that a man can change a bi woman's preference, and I know he can't change a lesbian into a heterosexual person.
     Many men simply cannot believe that a woman can turn them down. When rejected, a man feels it is an attack on his manhood, and he usually reacts with anger. When a lesbian refuses his advances it is worse, and not only can he not understand it, but often he becomes hostile. The worst insults I ever receive are those from men whom I have refused, if they know I am lesbian. It is as if a lesbian has no right to refuse a man the way a heterosexual woman can.
     Then there is the altruistic man who only wants to "help" the unfortunate lesbian whom Nature has denied. He is not looking for just another "piece of ass," the way most men view sex, but rather he wants to come to the rescue of the poor unfortunate woman who only needs to experience the penis to be saved. There is simple denial among many men that a woman can be sexually satisfied without them. And many do not believe the concept of "multiple orgasm." If a woman did not climax with or before her male partner, she has to wait for a new erection, or resort to masturbation or simply be unsatisfied. That two women can experience repeated orgasm without a man or a "man-thing" sex toy, simply is not believed by many.
     So why am I commenting on this? It is because I am so sick and tired of the same old reaction from men who learn I am a lesbian. Can I not simply say no?


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