the harangue by: Goo
april. 2000
...found out Im being evicted and my roomate is a downer, brooding and
depressing about everything that happens, a true pessimisst his depression
attempts to prevail, and I with my own issues of constant assault upon my
Ego and self. seeing Bill in this way only incites me more to smile and let
it go. these days the worse things seem the happier and I have long
ago recognized the potent qualities to enhance an individual through
pain and strife. not alot has been gained from the happy times, but
hardened experience and learned compassion through hazzards of being are
benefits among many if one can survive the trying times and listen and
taking the dog in saturday to be put to sleep. one moment she
looks in so much pain and later back to a bit of her nutty self. it kills
me to see her this way I love her more than any one human and she has been
my one true dependable best friend. she will be missed and looked upon with
a smiling heart...
I havent listened to loud music for so long its almost
unnerving, being ejected soon from my domocile allows me to be a bit of a
punk, but I am inately kind, never forget, so make that a good punk
I refuse to pay my landlord last months rent, nor will I clean
this place when I leave. I have been compiling evidence on his stupid ass
now for some time. I never throw away documents and receipts. they are more
weighty then swords and rifles, if he ever takes me to court. I intend on
getting my deposit back also, but being the whimsy monkish type Ill allow
him to retain it when I leave. he can use it on a hooker or crack, maybe a
brand new oversized black dildo...
my CD player has been funky for some
time. I need to take it in to get fixed since its under warranty, but I do
not look forward to pulling out 200 CDs and rplacing them again in the
programmed order. technology is a bastard son of a bitch...
Caits name pops
up alot, in my conversations and in my thinking. a person I've never met but
have a closer natural attachment of some sort then I do to most of these
knuckle heads I am forced to deal with in person most every day...
a friend
owes me some money he said he'd have on monday. I wouldnt have lent it if
he'd not have had it. thats money I need for my already late bills, (I dont
pay my bills on time ever: a Bukowski trait I've embraced on moral
Ive rejected insanity for logic and reason, I've found inflicting
a certain level of thinking aimed in a certain direction along with other
abilities I've picked up over the years I've learned to center myself in the
universe. just when I think I'm truly evolved to a new level, I am
transmorphed into a new individual. I do hear voices in my head when I
smoke alot of weed, sure, but I recognize these as voices in my head. I
find them amusing and non threatening...
it's nice to be able and sit down
and churn out a monthly column in on general sitting. I can tell I haven't
written a whole lot lately that and there is so much activity in my life I
am now stocked up to full on material, and when all else fails I can always
shut myself down and let the invisible forces write for me. I find that
material particularly interesting and inciteful...
I have lost all interest
in my ex wife and moved on. she only appeals to me so much as does any
other woman with a nice set of tits, a strong ass, pretty face and the
right plumbing...
I never want fame, and now as a philisophical idea I'm
trying to convince myself to even avoid all fame and knowledge of my
existence when I am gone. the only legacy left being my weight worth in
gold for my ideas and other things left behind after I am gone, never
attached to me, just floating in benefit upon the general masses. this
ideology makes me no more altruistic but burdens me less from the pressures
outside of philosophy and reason, or maybe Im just delusional...
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